

03月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语周记100字]英语周记100字 (一) i went to visit the great wall with my friends during the summer vacation. we went there by bus. it took us about two hours to get there. it wa...+阅读


Howtimeflies!2009wentawaysofast,then,2010appeared.IloveSpringFestivalmorethanChristmas,CauseonthatdayIcangetalotofpocketmoney.(我想到哦LadyGaga的一句歌词,That'sM-O-N-E-Ysosexy,哈哈哈....)IenjoyedtheFestivalthisyear. OnNewYear'sEve,myfamilygottogethertocelebratethenextcomingyear.Momdadandmygrandmotherwereworkinginthekitchen,theyweremakingabigmeal.Iwaschatingwithmyfriendsontheinternet.OtherswerewatchingTV.Afterwehadareallybigmeal,everybodywassittingonthesofawaitingtheSpringFestivalGala. Whentheoldclockstriketwelfth,myfamilyrushoutofthedoortowatchthebeautifulfireworkplays.Weweresoexcited. 写得不好哈,可能有语法错误,见谅见谅 ThewinterinGuiyangisextraordinarycold.Onthewinterholiday,myfamilydecidedtospendthewholewinterinHainan.WeleftGuiyangforHainanonFebruary1stinthemorning.Wegotthereintheafternoon.ThenIstartedmyfirstdayinHainan.TiredofthecoldinGuiyang.Ienjoyedthebeautifulwarmsunshinethere.Ireallymissedtheheat.Thehotelwelivedisjustnearthebeach,itwaseasyforustoseethebeautifulview. Iwentawalkonthebeach.Thesandmademegiggle.ThenImadealittlecastle.Playedinthewater,tookpictures,andswam. Onthenextday,wewenttothezoo.Isawababyboarandtookaphotowithit.IsawsomerarebirdsandaLesserpanda. Westayedthereforacoupledays,wewentshoppingwenttotheaquariumandvisitedsomeofmyparentsfriends.WewentbacktoGuiyangonFebuary11st.Whatawonderfulhiliday!

英语周记 100字 2篇

A happy weekend I have planned a happy weekend.Saturday morning, I must go to see me aunt.In the afternoon, I must go to the shopping center to go shopping.Evening, I planned makes the homework.Sunday in the morning, I watch the television, the television program is extremely interesting.In the afternoon, I planned listens to music and paints pictures.I thought this weekend I can be very weary, but is certainly very joyful. 一个愉快的周末 我打算过一个愉快的周末。周六的上午,我要去看望我的阿姨。下午,我要去购物中心买东西。晚上,我打算做家庭作业。周日上午,我看电视,电视节目非常有趣。下午,我打算听音乐和画画。我想这个周末我会很疲劳,但一定很快乐。


Saturday, my father and I went to the zoo.In the zoo, it is opposite the three monkeys. I said:" Look Dad, there are three monkeys. The monkey is very clever, very cute, I like the monkey, you like monkey?" The father replied: " I like monkeys, I like the brown monkey, the brown monkey do you like?" I said:" I don't like the brown monkeys, I like the Yellow monkey. The brown monkey, than the yellow monkey stronger, I don't like strong monkey." " Oh."



Spring has come, my mother and I go to the park.".In the park, a fragrant flower fragrance is tangy and come. I pulled my mother on the ancient bridge. In the ancient bridge below, with two rows of yellow winter jasmine, a flower is pale yellow, a line of winter jasmine is dark yellow, they are just like two different yellow ribbons, very beautiful.I love spring, I love the spring flowers.





My weekends

I had a busy weekends, On monday morning, I cleaned my room. In the afternoon, I did my homework. It was a little difficult. On Tuesday morning I went to shopping with my friends. then in the afternoon ,I stay at home.On Wednesday night,I help my mother cooking dinner.On Thursday afternoon I went to the library, I read a book about history.In night I went to park with my mother and my friends.On Friday morning play sports.In afternoon I watched TV.I saw an interesting talk show.

This is my busy weekends, I thanks is a very good.


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急求周记一篇100字左右每次一到开学这一天,每个人都是忙碌的。 早晨的空气很好,很久没呼吸到新鲜的空气了(每次都起的比较晚)。吸口气,再慢慢地吐出,整个人都轻松了许多。 新新的空气,新新的步伐,放下心中...

急求一篇英语日记 100字左右It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer v...

求一篇英语日记 100字左右2010 October 1st It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and we...

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