

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇关于同学之间为话题的作文]同学之间 “同学”这个词大家应该再熟悉不过了吧。这个词,乍看,只是两个字。其实,仔细 想一想,它并不是那么简单,这个词的背后有高兴,有忧伤,也有团结与矛盾。 在学习上,毕竟是有好...+阅读


Three Kinds of Communication

As we all know, communication has been playing an important part in people's life. As far as I know there are many kinds of communication, among them mail, telephone and computer are most commonly used.

Writing letters is one of them. People use it to exchange information, ideas and thoughts. Slow as the mail is, it is the cheapest means of communication. The second kind is the telephone. By using telephone, people can hear each other even if they are far away. With the development of modern science and technology,the computer has come into being. Communication with computers is fast and easy. In this way, people can send E-mail to each other.

In a word, mail, telephone and computer all help to bring people all over the world closer.

高二英语作文How to communication with others well

Communication is very important in our daily life ,which is just like the bridge between people.Strong communication can build up good relationship while weak communication may cause misunderstanding or argument. So we should try to make a good communication with others. You can do as the followings to practice how to communicate effectively with others First in the communication you should know what you are talking about and speak frankly but you shouldn't be rude. Second you can use your sense of humor in your talk with others.Third try to set aside time to talk with your partner every day, whether it's in person or by phone .Chatting allows you both to talk about your feelings and concerns,which can make you understand each other better. 完全是自己写的。你没说明词数所以就这些了。

英语作文Internet and

The Internet in My Life As we all know, the Internet plays more and more important role in our daily life! First of all, after a whole day's hard work or study, we can sit in front of our computer and surf on the net, appreciating (欣赏)the lattest movies, listening music we like and so on. Besides, we can get current news and information we need home and abroad, without which we have to go to the library to do that kind of thing. What's more, the Internet provides us a very convient way of communication, we can get in touch with our friends and relatives who stay far away from us. All in all, with the development of our society, the Interner has become a necessary part in our life, and makes our life more colorful.


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