

03月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关感谢的作文600字]感谢老师 您的眼睛是我永远的牵挂,即使我走过千山万水,却总走不出您那慈祥的目光;您的呼唤是我永恒的温暖,无论凄风冷雨,您总是为我点亮心中那盏灯;您的背影是我永生的眷恋,您的坚...+阅读


Dear teacher:I really want to say thank to you because I have changed so much just because one sentence you said. I used to be a naughty boy/girl and not study hard. I thought you would punish me for my poor score, while you didn't. I was so touched by what you said that day and since then I changed my attitude, all because of your confidence with me and your encouragement to me!

Thank you!


Dear xxx

This Christmas greeting is especially meant for you.At Christmastime to you,a special wish for every pleasant thing that just the very nicest kind of Christmas Day can bring.To you,another wish...Saying Merry Christmas is nothing unusual,but this greeting comes to say you are wished the kind of Christmas that outshines all the next

Yours sincerely,







Dear Sharon,

I was writing to tell you how happy I enjoyed the days in Chicago!

Everything was just about perfect. Your family were fridendly .You makde me feel at home . And the food was dilicious , I enjoyed it so much. I miss the night on Christmas day forever .Also thanks for your gift ,I liked it .

While I got home,my mother heart something about the holiday,she said you were kind . lastly,I hoped you and your family would come and visit China one day.


Li Hua

信的格式就是这样了 希望你参考下写 祝你好运


Dear teacher,(或者用Dear Ms+女老师的姓) Thank you very much for teaching me English.(如果这个女老师教的是其他科目,就自己修改下)I like your lessons because you can teaching the subject enjoyably. The time in your class always goes so quickly. I never feel bored of your class. You can also make a difficult question easy to understand by us. You always try your best to teach us well. The knowledge learned from you is endless. Thank you for taking care of me. You are not only my teacher,but also my close friend. Whenever I have difficulties or I am down,you will stand out to help me and encourage me,doing everything you can to cheer me up. A friend in deed is a friend in need. I sincerely thank you for helping me so much. Christmas is coming. I wish you a merry Christmas!In the coming year,I wish you good health and good luck in everything. I will graduate from school one day,however,I will never forget your kindness. You are my teacher forever. Your student: December 24,2015...


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