
求birthday party作文

03月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[作文书中有个我 600字求原创求不抄求简单]古人说:“三日不读书,便觉言语无味,面目可憎。”乍听,这句话似乎说得很严重,可是仔细想想,就觉得十分有道理。 古诗句中有“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”。我们的思想和知识需...+阅读

求birthday party作文

My birthday party My birthday is yesterday.At that day,my mother bought me a big birthday cake and cooked many delicious foods.I invent my friends to my party.After had a meal ,we sang songs and played games.In the afternoon,we went to the park in my dad's car.In the evening,my grandfather and grandmother came to my house for dinner,my uncle,aunt and sister came too.My sister gave me a present and then,I went to bed.I had a very happy birthday party.

一篇英语作文my birthday

My tenth birthday is coming next week.I will have a birthday party.I am going to invite several friends to my home.My mother said that she will buy me a big birthday cake. my father said that he would like to buy me a good gift . and Ann my best friend said that she will give me a surprised .I make a disision to hold the party in the yard in our house . we can sing dance and eat many food . What an interesting birthday party !

birthday party作文要求120词左右

I had my birthday party last week. We had lots of good food and everybody was happy except for my American friend, Mary. She looked scared at the shrimps with heads and she was shocked when she saw the steamed fish with eyeballs. I did not know why. However, when she told me that American did not eat shrimps and fish with heads, I changed the dishes. So, at the end of the party, Mary was happy and she sang a very nice birthday song to me.


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一篇英语作文my birthday party一篇英语作文my birthday party,birthday party作文要求120词左右:My tenth birthday is coming next week.I will have a birthday party.I am going to invite several frie...
