

03月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com








we won't do that again

That is our fault.we admit that it is very important to keep our dormitory clean and obey the rule. As a student, our duty is not only to work hard, win the scholarship, but also learn how to be a man, try to be the best of us. It is a long long way to go, isn't it?

We all feel regret for the things we have done, now we ask for a chance, a chance to do the things better, to make up for it.i do believe with our effort our dormitory will become better and better. What is more, we draw a lesson from it. at first, when facing difficulties, we should be brave, confident,do not escape .The only way to work it out is calm down, find the reason why it happened. for what? we are too lazy? we have not enough time? we are so careless? or something else?

Anyway, if we succeed in solving the problem in this time, we save a lot a time when come across the same problem again. Time is so priceless that we can not to work the problem one by one. what we should to do is learn something from the past and make life better in the future.

let us move on.third. the environment is important for us. it is wonderful to read ,rest in the clean environment. so we should keep our dormitry.we are a team. we should not effect the score of the class .we should try our best to do a contribution to our class.

we promise to make things better next time.

so ,please , forgive us.


Respect teacher: hello! because of ......(matter's process), but kicked *** has fallen a tumble. afterward, I felt own has made the mistake (, although you do not think wrong, also such writes), I should not such impulse, at that time I should think well, solved the problem as far as possible through the exchange. Through a period of time's ponder and the self-criticism, I thought that my thought is not very mature, the motion has owes the consideration, here I want to schoolmate who hits to say the sound to apologize, sorry. Asks teacher to punish me, I is willing to be responsible for mine motion. if later will have the similar matter to occur, I will restrain myself diligently, will avoid causing the conflict as far as possible, take will unite schoolmate as first elected, will be lenient with others, practices good self-discipline. Asks teacher to accept my self-criticism, and gives me start with a clean slate the opportunity. This event, I will engrave on one's memory. examines the human: *** ** year ** month ** date


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