

03月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[愉快的暑假300字作文]愉快的暑假300字作文 暑假就要到了,学校号召我们过一个健康、充实、欢乐、活泼而有意义的暑假。 我们第一暑假小队全队同学经过认真讨论,决心做到以下几点: 一、人人制订一张作...+阅读


Last summer, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to Taishan by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me,“ linda,don't do anything halfway”. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.


last summer vacation,i went to beijing and visited the great wall,it was very impressive。the great wall is the longest defend system on earth,and we all take pride in it,it is the symbol of china。but there was something that was not pleased to see。people drew and wrote on the wall 。it made the wall look ugly。people also dropped litter everywhere,i felt ashamed when i saw that:we were destroying our own monument(历史遗迹)! we are all proud of being Chinese,but if we do not protect our beloved landmark,how can we say we are proud of being Chinese。...


The Summer Holiday

In my summer holiday,I have so much interesting things to do.

For example,after finishing my homework,I can read books that I like,watch the action movies,and eat a little juck food.When I am tired,I usually lie down and listen to some light music,they make me feel relaxed.And I can go fishing with my parents on weekends,it makes me happy!

So,in my every summer holiday,I never get bored.

I enjoy my summer holidays!


Last vacation,i went to the beach with my parents.It was really fun.

I swam in the sea,it was cool.The sea was beautiful and ciean.Then i played beach volleyball with my parents.After it,we were hungry.We ate lots of fruit.It was delicious.We also ate fish and meat.It was delicious,too.

I think i had a great vacation.


暑假愉快的事英语(一)Happy Summer Holidays My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there....

愉快的暑假作文200字暑假的打算作文200字愉快的暑假作文200字,是写对于个人事件的作文,暑假的打算作文200字要描述生动,得到老师的好评,以下是由毕业生范文网小编提供快乐的暑假作文200字_快乐的暑假作文阅读。 愉快的...

愉快的暑假450字作文愉快的暑假450字作文 暑假中的某一天,妈妈带我回到了外婆家,让我在这住几天时间。在这里,我看见了弟弟,在那段时间里,我与他玩的很开心。其中最令我难忘的,还是钓蛇一事: 有一天,我...

愉快的暑假作文600字愉快的暑假作文600字 两个月的暑假生活即将结束了。打开记忆的背包,我开始翻看、检查。 带来了什么? 丢弃了什么? 又将带回什么? 起程 这是阳光灿烂但还不大灼热的七月,是刚诞...

愉快的暑假作文400字导语:暑假就快到了,你的暑假有什么计划或者安排吗?以下是FANWEN51小编为您推荐的愉快的暑假作文400字,欢迎阅读! 愉快的暑假作文400字 八月二日,我来到了东阳市。东阳市位于中国...



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