

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[无聊的一天作文500字]太阳炙烤着大地,整条马路上迷漫着一股青草味,知了也不厌其烦地叫着,往常叽叽喳喳叫的小鸟也销声匿迹了…… 唉!烦躁不安的我又转过神来,开始了“漫漫的两万五千里长征”――苦啊!...+阅读


您好:Today is

a hot day, so that I stay at home. I planned to go out with my friends,

but we did not go out because of the hot weather. I finished my

homework in the morning and then I wanted to play computer games. But

after I played for a while, the power was off suddenly. I was so down,

because I was going to win the game. How unlucky it was. Because of the

power off, I have nothing to do at home. But it's too hot to go outside,

so all I can do is staying at home. In order to kill the tough time, I

did some previews, but after a while, I could not do it anymore.

Therefore, I decided to find some books to read. Finally, I chose the

Harry Potter. It was interesting book that could make me calm down. I

read it for the whole afternoon until the power restored.












vA Boring Day

Today is weekend, but it's really a bored day. I want to go shopping with my mother. But the outside is crowded. I don't want to go out in such a hot day. Therefore, I stay at home and watch TV. But the programs are not interesting. I turn off the TV and then do some reading. My parents buy many books for me. They say reading is really good for me. It will be useful in the future. I like reading, because it makes me relaxed. Besides, I can get fun and knowledge from books.


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