

04月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[袁隆平的幽默故事]在科学研究上,袁隆平是一个特别认真特别严谨的人,而在日常生活中,他是一个豁达大度非常幽默的人。 人生苦短,活着就应该轻松一些,愉快一些,而幽默,就是轻松愉快的一剂良药。富于幽...+阅读


Yuan Longping was born on September 7,1930.In the 1960s China experienced famined and he came up with an idea for hybridizing rice.In 1979,his technique for hybrid rice was introduced into the United States,the first case of intellectual property rights transfer in the history of new China.For his contributions,Yuan is sometimes called "The Father of Hybrid Rice" by the Chinese media.


Mr. Yuan was born in Beijing, China. He loves playing Mahjong and the Erhu (Chinese violin), swimming and motorcycling.Born in 1930 and a graduate from the Southwest Agriculture Institute in 1953, Yuan began his teaching career at an agriculture school in Anjiang, Hunan Province.He came up with an idea for hybridizing rice in the 1960s, when a series of natural disasters and inappropriate policies had plunged China into an unprecedented famine that caused many deaths.Since then, he has devoted himself to the research and development of a better rice breed.In 1964, he happened to find a natural hybrid rice plant that had obvious advantages over others. Greatly encouraged, he began to study the elements of this particular type.In 1973, in cooperation with others, he was able to cultivate a type of hybrid rice species which had great advantages. It yielded 20 percent more per unit than that of common ones.The next year their research made a breakthrough in seeding. They successfully developed a set of technologies for producing indica (long-grained non-glutinous) rice, putting China in the lead worldwide in rice production. For this achievement, he was dubbed the "Father of Hybrid Rice."His contribution to the mankind is enormous. By his achievement, the Earth is able to produce extra rice equivalent to the food requirement by tens of millions of population.At present, as much as 60 percent of China's total rice grown is Yuan Longping's hybrid rice species. More rice so produced is enough to feed 60 million people. Worldwide, 20% of rice comes from the rice species created by hybrid rice following his methodology.The "Super Rice" Yuan is now testing yields 30 percent higher than those of common rice.仅供参考一下吧,我也没工夫改写


Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930.He graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in China in 1953.In 1973,he in cooperation with others,he was able to cultivate a type of hybrid rice species which had great advantages.It yielded 20 percent more per unit than that of common ones.So now many countries of the world began to grow the rice.grow more rice than before good....


Yuan Longping (1930.9.7 -) origindaxJiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, was born in Beijing. The founder of China's hybrid rice research, as the "Father of Hybrid Rice", "Contemporary Shennong", "m God" and so on. He graduated from Southwest College of Agriculture in 1953. 1964 study of hybrid rice in 1973 supporting the realization of three-line, in 1974 the first hybrid rice breeding excellent combination of strong priority on the 2nd South, in 1975 the successful development of hybrid rice seed production techniques.袁隆平 (1930.9.7 -) 籍贯江西省九江市德安县,生于北京。我国杂交水稻研究创始人,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”、“当代神农”、“米神”等。1953年毕业于西南农学院。1964年开始研究杂交水稻,1973年实现三系配套,1974年育成第一个杂交水稻强优组合南优2号,1975年研制成功杂交水稻制种技术....


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