

04月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Remember that time I was a little girl.When sometimes fell ill,my grandmother would take me to the hospital.There have many people in white.Finally I knew who are they.They are the angels in white.The nurses work there.As a matter of fact,they help the patient recover from the illness and look after them with care.Even though they didn't know each other.I was greatly touched by their spirit and dreamed of being a nurse like them.Wish my dream could come true.


Write a handover report to the next shift with the patient information in the table 120个词Name:Mrs Amy SmithUnit on.99801Bed No.202Age.55Doctor:arthritisVenous access:Cannula with 4°N/S flushesDrains:nilpain:L kneePain scale :5 when walking,2 at restOBS :4°Obs(febrile 38° at 18.00hrs)Diet:diabeticAllergies:Allergy to penicllin...


My Dreams

When you are asked "what's your dream?"Some one may reply with an answer that my dream's to be a policeman,some one may give an answer that my dream is that I can enter into the space and land on the Mars.Maybe some others may reply like this,"my dream is being a middle school teacher.However,my dream is to be a nurse.

As we all know,nurse is the angel,for nurses who have a kindly heart are quite popular with people.First of all,nurse can give you best love and care,so we can aslo say"nurse is the sister."Secondly,we can even say nurses as modle of purity,as the wight coat they dress.The third one but not the last is that nurses have characters of hero.Nearly every war of anti-disease,nurses are in front of the war.

Therefore,nurses repressed me very much,so I want to be a nurse and do the holy work.


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我的梦想是当老板作文我的梦想是当老板 每个人都拥有一个属于自己的理想,医生、科学家、老师、警察……而我的理想就是做一名大公司的总经理。 我现在之所以会有这样一个理想,大部分是受了我妈妈的...

我的梦想是成为一名护士但作文不知怎么写我的梦想——长大当护士 求是小学竞舟校区五(3) 郑勉 我的梦想——长大当护士 郑勉 求是竞舟 你或许梦想成为一位明星,万众­瞩目;你或许梦想成为一位董事长,高高在上;你或许梦想...

写一篇关于我的梦想我的梦想是当一名设计师 200字左右的我的梦想是设计师 每一个人都有自己的梦想,每一个人的梦想都是伟大的,幸福的,遥远的。就是梦想带我们去我们想要去的每一个地方,做我们想做的每一件事。梦想使每一个人为自己的...


我的梦想作文 1我的梦想是当一名医生I want be a doctor 我想成为一名医生I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy w...


我的理想是当一名老师我要写作文能起什么好名字好想当一名老师啊! 好想当一名老师,当孩子们的挚友,在课堂上摇头晃脑地背“折花逢驿使,寄与陇头人。江南无所有,聊赠一枝春。”再乐呵呵地把“江南”改成“江北”;好想当一名老师,...
