

04月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样做一名合格的护士范文2000字]护士,美丽的白衣天使,柔弱的外表,却有着“燃烧自己,照亮别人”的坚韧信念。像春风拂去人们的疾苦;用热血温暖寒冷的心腹;用爱的丝线,缝合病人身心的创伤…… 工作过程当中,我严格遵...+阅读


Why I Want To Be A Nurse When asked my reason as to why I want to be a nurse , I find myself discussing more than one . This is because my answer has three facets : empathetic compassion for those who suffer , job challenge , and finally : job security . Each of these three driving reasons are in turn tied together by my dedication to the healthcare field and my unwavering drive to achieve goals First, individually , I believe that my personal empathy and compassion for those who suffer is the most central of my three reasons to being a nurse . Since my earliest memories , I have felt magnetically drawn to people who are suffering . I recall the image of a man with terminal cancer in a dimly lit hospital room , as he lay in bed alone because his son didn't come to see him. I felt drawn to go stand by this man and let him know that he was not alone . The look of gratitude in his eyes as he weakly whispered to me "thanks ", was the first compelling I had in considering a career in health care.Second,I can learn more from the job challenge of nurse. The nurses, with different specializations get the opportunities to work in different situations and face new challenges everyday. This helps me to develop qualities such as presence of mind, patience, self-confidence and hard work. This profession can help in honing the communication as well as the interpersonal skills of an individual.Finally, job security is another important facet.The ups and downs in the financial markets would seldom have an effect on the job of the nurses. Due to the changes in the lifestyles and environmental factors, the number of people suffering from various health related problems is increasing and hence hospitals always find the need of hiring experienced and talented nurses. The job of a nurse is unaffected by recession or any kind of financial meltdown. To be a nurse has been my dream since I was a little girl. Althoug I choose a totally different major., I will seize every single chance to make my dream come true.


My DreamsWhen you are asked "what's your dream?"Some one may reply with an answer that my dream's to be a policeman,some one may give an answer that my dream is that I can enter into the space and land on the Mars.Maybe some others may reply like this,"my dream is being a middle school teacher.However,my dream is to be a nurse.As we all know,nurse is the angel,for nurses who have a kindly heart are quite popular with people.First of all,nurse can give you best love and care,so we can aslo say"nurse is the sister."Secondly,we can even say nurses as modle of purity,as the wight coat they dress.The third one but not the last is that nurses have characters of hero.Nearly every war of anti-disease,nurses are in front of the war.Therefore,nurses repressed me very much,so I want to be a nurse and do the holy work.


oday, as I had nothing to do, so I opened my computer and found a movie to watch. I thought about the movie that my friend asked me to watch, it was called 13 Is Going on 30. The story told about a 13 years old girl wanted to be a woman, so that she could have the beautiful face and perfect body shape. She wanted to date any handsome guy she liked. Then the magical thing happened, she became 30 and she got everything. But she felt lost, because her life was totally messed. I had the same feeling with the girl when I was at her age, I wanted to grow up quickly. But now, when I look at that age, I think it is better to cherish what I had at that time. Every stage of life has its happiness, so there is no need to skip the stage.


我的梦想是成为一名护士但作文不知怎么写我的梦想——长大当护士 求是小学竞舟校区五(3) 郑勉 我的梦想——长大当护士 郑勉 求是竞舟 你或许梦想成为一位明星,万众­瞩目;你或许梦想成为一位董事长,高高在上;你或许梦想...

如何做一名优秀的护士 1000字作文护士被人们亲切地称之为“白衣天使”,“天使”可以给人们带来希望,带来光明。既然我们被赋予了这么崇高的荣誉,那么我们就要以实际行动来回报他们,努力成为一名优秀的护士。 作...


以当我成为一名护士为题的作文800字左右护士,一个多么神圣的职业,一个救死扶伤的白衣天使,我也希望自己是一名护士。 每天,我穿着洁白的工作服,以微笑面对每一位病人以及他们的亲人。中午,我推着药箱车给躺在病床上的那...

如何让自己成为一名有人文素养的护士作文这是一位护理界教授给予我们的有关好护士的标准。 一、柔软的心:(让病人和家属觉得尊重、温暖、安全与自在) 1、关怀、爱心、热忱、嘘寒问暖、经常探视病人、人性化、温柔; 2、...

作文:写我的理想我要写当一名护士每个人都有自己的理想,我的理想就是当一名护士。 说起当护士,我还有一个小故事。那时侯,我刚上幼儿园,一次感冒差点得了肺炎。这时候每天上下午都要去打点滴,打的次数多了,护士阿...

我的理想当一名护士作文650字有人想当音乐家,有人想当歌星,还有人想当科学家……可我却想当一名白衣天使。 医生,是白衣天使,能使病人起死回生。我非常羡慕,这个职业,长大了,我也要当一名医生,为祖国医疗卫生事...


