

04月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语写关于国庆去旅游的作文30词左右]whatdoyouwantustodo? MrandMrzzhanghaveretirednotalongtime.TheyplantotraveltothecityofWuhaninHubeionNationalday.BecauseTheYellowCraneTower isoneofthemostfamousto...+阅读


Last Monday, I slept, woke up and found it was seven forty-five. I hurried to put on clothes, didn't eat breakfast, then ride a bike and run to school. I came to the classroom door, opened the door and said: "I'm sorry teacher, I was late." The teacher didn't say what, the classroom students suddenly set the whole room roaring with laughter, the teacher that said: "Li Ming, your school uniform anti."上一星期一,我睡过了头,醒来时发现已经七点四十五了。我急急忙忙的穿上衣服,没吃早饭,就骑上自行车飞奔向学校。我来到教室门口,推开门进去说:“对不起老师,我迟到了。”老师什么也没说,教室的同学忽然哄堂大笑,老师这才开口说道:“李明,你的校服穿反了。”...


Today is my sister's wedding. I take part in it with my parents. We get to the hotel at about 6:00 p.m.. My sister and her husband is waiting for the guests in front of the lobby. She is so beautiful today that I have never seen. Of course her husband is handsome, too. I met him before, and he is so kind to me. The ceremony starts at 7:00 p.m.. They exchange their rings and vows and thank for their parents. And then we enjoy the wedding feast. The dishes are so delicious that I eat too much. I show my best wishes to them, hoping their love last forever and a happy life.


常听人说尴尬的滋味很难受,我以前从不觉得,可自从经历了那件事后就不同了,因为我亲自体验过了那种没法用语言说明白的“尴尬”。 那次,我乘车去读书。那个时候是乘车高峰期,说实话我还真不愿意挤这拥挤的公交车,要不是为了读书……唉,上车吧!我好不容易挤上了车,随着人流找到一个容身之处。我拉住了一个扶手,艰难地站在那里,只觉得难受得快要窒息了。 站在我旁边的是位老大娘,她提着一个包裹,脸涨得通红,拼命喘大气。我看她快要站不住了,很想帮助她,但却无能为力。在老大娘的旁边,坐着一个初中生模样的人,耳里塞着耳机,嘴里嚼着口香糖,正在看车窗外的风景,好像车厢里的一切他都看不见一样,一副事不关己的样子。 突然车子一个刹车,大娘的身子倒在那个初中生身上。

初中生见老大娘挨着他了,把目光从窗外移到大娘身上,皱了一下眉头,坐着的身子一挪,又若无其事地把脸转向了车窗外面,还一边用脚在地上打拍子。大娘勉强站稳,叹了一口气。 车子好像在跳舞,开得很不平稳,又一个红灯,“嵫”,车子猛地刹住了,大娘身子一斜,又一次重重地倒在了初中生身上。这次初中生可生气了,用力把大娘推开。大娘差点摔倒。 我实在看不下去了,便鼓足勇气礼貌地对那位初中生说:“大哥哥,大娘这样站着好难受的,你干吗还要推她?''可是还没等初中生开口,大娘却说话了:“唉,你这个小伢儿怎么管起我孙子来了?是我让他坐的,我都愿意,谁让你管了?”“啊?,,车厢里的人们都不约而同地向我投来异样的目光,好像错的是我。

我的脸一直红到耳根。而那个初中生正用洋洋得意的眼神看着我,好像在说:“谁让你多管闲事!,,我只觉得时间好像凝固了,只觉得车子开得太慢了。车子到站还没有停稳,我就一溜烟地下了车。 我真想不通自己的一番好意,会换来这么一次尴尬遭遇! Often hear people say embarrassing taste very uncomfortable, I never thought that, can ever since experienced the pieces afterwards will be different, because I personally experience that can't speak the language that "embarrassing". That, I go by car to read a book. When the bus is rush hour, to tell you the truth I really don't want to squeeze the crowded bus, if it weren't for the reading... Well, get in, please! I am very not easy to squeeze on the car, with people find a place. I pulled an armrest, difficult to stand there, just feel sick ready to choke. Standing next to me was an old woman, she is carrying a parcel, the face rises very red, desperately out of the atmosphere. I think she is going to stand and would like to help her, but he could do nothing. Next to the old woman in, sit like a junior high school student, ear plug headphones, he chewed gum, the car is the scenery out of the window, as if the car all he didn't see the same, a deputy things none like yourself. Suddenly the car to a stop, the big niang body fell in the junior high school student body. Junior high school students see next to his granny, look out of the window to move on from the big niang, screwed up eyebrows, sit body a little, and as if nothing has occurredly turned a window outside, still side with your feet on the ground. The big niang barely stand, and sighed. The car as if dancing, open is not smooth, and a red light, "Zi", the car to an abrupt halt, the big niang body a inclined, and a heavily falls in the junior high school student body. The junior high school students can be angry, slammed the big niang push. The big niang almost fall. I can not bear to look at it, then get up the courage to the junior high school student politely said: "the big brother, the big niang stand there good uncomfortable, why do you also pushed her? ' 'but they did not wait for junior high school students speak, big niang but it talked:" alas, you little pretty up my grandson how tube? I let him sit of is, I would like to, who let you tube? ""?, car people tend to vote to different eyes, as if I was wrong. My face has been red to the ear. And the junior middle school students are complacent with looked at me as if to say, "who let you are nosy!, I only feel that, time seems frozen, just feel the car drove too slow. The car arrive station is not is stationary, I away and disappear underground car. I can't imagine his own kind, will get a awkward encounter so!


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那一次我真尴尬的作文800那一次我真尴尬的作文 那一次我真尴尬 美丽的青春,总是好奇与冲动的,少年们总是不安分,总想找些乐子。那一次,我差点儿闯了祸。 也许是到新校园迫切的想了解更多,也可能是青春的...

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