

04月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[描写人物的作文五年级水平 ok]我的妈妈 人人都有一个勤劳善良的妈妈,我也有一位的妈妈。她不胖不廋,不高不矮。大大的眼睛,长长的头发。 妈妈工作的时间很长,迎着朝霞去上班,踏着月光来到家,看着路灯下疲惫的身...+阅读



When I enter to the college, it is different from the middle school and the most different point is that we have got so much free tome. So how can we use this free time fully?

In my point of view, the first we want to have a try is to find a part-time job.

For one thing, it can add our working experience.

For another, we can also earn some money to release the stress of the family.

What's more, to go out with some friends is also a good way to spend our free time

We can refresh ourselves after the study and can have better conditions when go back to study.

The last thing I think that's we can do some sports activities. For example climbing the hills. Jogging around you college or just walking along the street and so on.

Life is short, live it up.

There are many activities we can do in our college and just have a try to make you college life more colorful and beautiful.


we all have dinner in dining room at school.so the food is having an effect on our health.let me talk something about dining room of our school.

first,the food taste very nice and healthful compare with others.the vegetable is clean.i never see any dirt or bugs.not only the food but also the service is good.never talk to me loudly and rudely.

but something i have a little complain is the price too expensive ,few kinds and i must waste much in waiting.we are student,which is a group with no making money,no much money.the price is too expensive for us. as be growing up,it is a time we need more kinds of food to provide nutrition.

so i hope the leader of school can watch this situation and find the solution.thanks very much.


Food safety is very important to us.How can we make food safe?Here's some advice.

First,we shouldn't go out to eat fast food often.At the restaurant there is also some food that isn't safe,such as unhealthy oil.

Second,we should make food clean before cooking.Remember to boil food.

Third,we should buy and eat food carefully.If the food is in bags,we should read instructions and dates carefully.Make sure the food is safe.


Hotel (or hotels, hotels) is a major short-term accommodation for the tourists places, the hotel is usually in the provision of accommodation, while Hong occupants restaurant, swimming pool, or taking care of child care and other services. Some hotels also provide conference facilities to attract business meetings, interviews or press conferences and other activities. The hotel's banquet hall can hold weddings and dances and other activities. Hotel accommodation feature functions, catering functions, business functions, home functions, holiday functions And conferencing capabilities The role of the hotel are: 1. Tourists a base for tourism activities 2. The creation of tourism revenue 3. For the community to create employment opportunities for 4. The promotion of social consumption patterns and the development of and changes in consumption structure 5. Stimulate the development of 6. Hotel Development level is the level of tourism development and socio-economic and civilization level of mark 饭店 (或酒店,旅馆) 是一个主要为游客提供短期住宿的地方,酒店通常在提供住宿之余,亦为住客提供餐厅、游泳池、或照顾幼儿等服务。

一些酒店亦提供会议设施,吸引商业机构举行会议、面试或记者会等活动。酒店的宴会厅则可举行婚礼及舞会等活动。 饭店的功能有住宿功能、餐饮功能、商务功能、家居功能、度假功能 和会议功能 饭店的作用有: 1. 旅游者旅游活动的基地 2.创造旅游收入 3.为社会创造就业机会 4.促进社会消费方式和消费结构的发展和变化 5.带动其他行业发展 6.饭店发展水平是旅游业发展水平和社会经济与文明程度的标志


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