

04月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求写一篇关于饮食健康的小作文不少于200个单词英语写]Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to...+阅读


请假分为两种情况:向领导或老师请假。请假条应该言简意赅,作为批假的人也会提高批假的效率,不做无谓的情境描述。英文版:Dear teacher / leader,I'm Lily. I 'm not being myself today. I feel awful. My throat is very sore and I got a cold fever. Would you please give me several days off ? I want to ask 3 days for sick leave. I really hope to get your approval. Thanks for your time.中文版:尊敬的老师/ 领导,您好,我是李丽。 我今天身体不舒服,感觉特别难受。我喉咙发炎了,也有些感冒发烧。您能给我请假看病吗?我想请三天的病假。望批准为盼。谢谢您!...


Mr.wang I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not feeling well today. This morning I went to see a doctor and he told me that I had caught a bad cold. He also asked me to stay in bed for two days. So I can't go to school today and tomorrow. Zhanghua 中文意思:王先生,你好!我很遗憾地告诉你,我今天不舒服。早上去看病,医生说我是重感冒,要求我卧床休息两天。所以我今天,明天不能去上学。 张华 (希望能帮助你哦!呵呵。。。)


不知道这个是国内的作业还是真的要给外籍老师写这么个假条 如果是作业而且是 给中国老师看的 那还是 Dear Mr.xxx, I'm sorry to tell you that I caught a cold and I'm not feeling well now.I am adviced to stay in bed for two days and can't go to school then.But I think I'll get well soon and be back the day after tomorrow. Yours sincerely, xxx 这样比较好 但是如果是真的给外国老师写假条,建议还是下面这个更好,外国人不像中国人,一般都开门见山,不会嗦嗦太多别的,告诉他你病了,然后要休息几天。就可以了。 Dear Sir/Madam, I caught a cold and I'm not feeling well now.I am afraid I have to stay at home for two days (今天的日期和明天的日期) since the doctor ask me to have more rest. Regards xxx


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