

04月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇以感动为话题的600字作文]——渴望生病的女孩 什么是感动?只是伤心流泪吗?不是的,感动是我们最真实的情感流露。读书累了,父母为我们削一个苹果,是感动;跑步跌倒了,朋友过来搀扶你起来,是感动;考试考砸了,同学...+阅读

急求一篇以道歉为中心的英语短文 200字左右定给分


Dear Sir/Madam, 一定要看是给谁道歉

I am awfully sorry for my absence to the class. Becuase I have to pick up one of my classmates from the urban area, I left the message to my roommate to ask for the leave. He didnt notice the message and as a result I have to write this letter to express my apologize.

Furthermore, I am really interested in English and you are my favorite teacher. I am aware of the importance of English and please trust me if it is possible I will undoubtedly attend every English class. It is a pity that I didnt arrange everything well and you may be disappointed with my absence. Here, I promise I wont miss any class any longer except that my leave application has been approved.

I am not quite sure whether you will forgive me or not and I hope you will give me one more chance to prove my interest to your class.

Yours Sincerely




Dear XX,

Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party.

I would like to go. But unfortunately my father is ill in bed and I have to stay at home to take care of him. I am sorry for that.

I hope you and your friends enjoy the party and have a nice day.

Thank for your understanding and happy birthday in advance!

Best regards



Dear Lucy,

I'm sorry... I have something else important to do, so I didn't go to the train station to welcome you back. I'm really sorry... I tried and tried to called you that I have something else important and I couldn't come. But the line is busy. I tried many times but the line is still busy. Please forgive me... I really tried to call you. I am really really really really sorry.............. Please forgive me.

Your friend,

Xiao Ming

P.S. I am really sorry... Please forgive me... If you don't give me forgiveness, I won't ever be happy again. I won't ever smile again.


Dear Mr simth : Sorry, my nephew put your glass is broken. I've told him not in the next room front play football. Although he didn't listen to, but I will still be warned him. I will pay for your loss and from his pocket money to buckle, warned him not to make the same mistake again! Finally, I was once again to you express apology for him! Hope will bring you trouble! Break your glass`s man 中文是:对不起,我的侄子把你家的玻璃打碎了。我已经劝过他下次不要在人家屋子前面踢足球了。虽然他不听但我还是会告诫他。我会赔偿你的损失并且是从他的零花钱里扣,以此告诫他不要再犯同样的错误!最后我还是再次替他向你表达歉意! 希望不会带来给你烦恼!


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