
a special day大学口语作文

04月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[三年级做游戏作文三百字a]快乐的小鸟,又蹦又跳。爸爸去买票,我们随着游玩的人流踏进了九龙游乐园的大门。 我看见人群朝一处拥去。我和表弟也跟着走过去。啊,好一个庞然大物!我一问,才知道这种游乐玩具叫...+阅读

a special day大学口语作文

Last Sunday,I was busy but had a good fun!And last Sunday was a special day for me .Because my friends and I went to a big farm.In the morning,wen went to the farm by car .When we arrived there,lots of farmers met us.We were tired,so we relaxed on farm.Then we had a delicious lunch.In the afternoon,we helped the farmers to feed animals. I fed the rabbits ,because I think they were very cute .Next,we picked the fruit,such as apples ,oranges,strawberries.The strawberries were very fresh, We ate them and made some juice together.Finally,we went to home by car. It was interesting.


A: HEY, ready for your package tour?

B: Yeah, going to western europe, should be fun.

A: sure, as always. what's wrong? you don't look quite excited.

B: just...we have to get up at 5 am everyday, i saw it on the travel list. you know how i cherish my sleeping time.

A: oh, why don't you try self-driving then?

B: it is kind of new, is it?

A: yeah, but i did tried it once and it was great.

B: really?

A: absolutely. i could get enough sleep and be refresh to go on the tour. more importantly, i did not have to wait for the others like they do in a package tour.

B: yeah, and you don't have to look for the hotel!

A: you could just stay in your car for the night and get up early for the sun rise if you like!

B: wow, that sounds great! oh...

A: what?

B: what about the expense? you know that i...

A: many people think that self-driving tour would be expensive, but in fact, when you cut down the fee you have to pay for the travel company and the bus service, it is cheaper.

B: right, thanks so much. i'll go to change my plan rightaway.

A: see ya!


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