

05月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语短文100字左右带翻译急!!]Love's Witness Slight unpremeditated Words are borne By every common Wind into the Air; Carelessly utter'd, die as soon as born, And in one instant give both Ho...+阅读


Hello,friends.My neme is xxx.I"m xx years old.I am outgoing girls(boys),i like reding , playing ganes and listening to music. Of course , i also like to make firends with all people.I favorite food it xxxxx , xxxxx , and xxxxx.I like English , beacuse English is interesting . Thet"s wo ,thank you!

哈喽,朋友们。我叫xxx。我xx岁了。我是一个乐观的女孩(男孩)我喜欢阅读,玩游戏,还有听音乐。当然,我还喜欢和你们任何一个人玩。我最喜欢的食物是:xxxx, xxxxx 和 xxxxx。 我喜欢英语,因为英语很有趣!结束了,谢谢!

自己写的哦!(daisy) 留名


Hello, my name is Zhang Xiaoxiong, 27 years old today, job positions are mould engineers today. Briefly next to my situation, I graduated from Beihang University in July 2007, graduate up to now has been in the works for a car mould company, specific job responsibilities are ... (This involves professional vocabulary, I myself fill) this is my first visit to Xian, I like the environment and atmosphere, I hope to get this job, I want a better plan their own careers on the platform, I really like the automotive industry, hope has been done, hope I can have this opportunity, thank you.

My English is not very good, can do some simple dialogue, for a few years not used in English, but I believe a period of adaptation, I can meet the required needs.


英语自我说明 100词

today i am glad to introduce myself for you. 今天我非常高兴为你们说明我自己。this is _____. i'm a girl/boy from ____. 我叫……,我是来自……的女孩/男孩._____ is my hometown,it's a very beautiful city. ___是我的家乡,这是一个非常漂亮的城市welcome to my hometown. 欢迎去我的家乡and i always pay attention to _____. 我一直关注____

(一般讲喜欢的事)beacuse it's very interesting. 因为很有意思i am good at ________. 我擅长______i like making frends and i am a warm-heart and friendly person,i wiil try my best to help you if you ask me. 我喜欢交朋友并且我也是一个热心、友好的人,如果你叫我,我会尽我所能帮助你。that's all,thank you!就这样吧,谢谢...


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