

05月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[最近一段时间你有什么新的发现]其实世界上有许多有趣的现象,只要你细心观察,将会给你带来意想不到的发现。下面我就给大家谈谈我的奇妙经历吧。 想必大家都喜欢吃糖炒大栗吧,尤其是“军大栗”,又香又甜,只要你...+阅读


during the summer vacation,i eventually learned something i could never get from the testbokks.it was my part-time job that taught me what treasure meant. when we keep on asking parents for money in the daily life,we never care about anything but how to enjoy the money.however, we don't know how difficult to get that little money.i have learned the value of money since i worked a part-time job this summer. besides,i also learned how to get along with others and importance of teamwork!!! when i get back to school,i have get prepared for going through any difficulties,because i have been more brave and learned how to treasure things around me. what's more, i have gotten a little working and social experience for my future!!!...


How quickly time has flown by! My summer holiday is over. Our school is much more beautiful than before. The grass in front of the office building is so green. The river beside it is so clean and the trees around it are so tall. Our classroom building has changed a lot. It has become higher and more new than last term. I come into our classroom. The windows are very new and clean. My classmates and I are interested in the new things in the classroom. We have come into the third year. We are a little nervous. We're very busy today. We have three new teachers. We all like them. Today just as usual, we have been busy doing everything, but I like life like this. Busy days can make me happy and excited. This is my first day of school. It is busy but interesting. I like my classroom, my school and I like my first day.


The first day of my high school life The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progress together to make our dreams come true. I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadness with them. The process of learning is also a growing process.

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life. However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.

译文: 在高中生活的第一天,我有一些想法和感受。随着时间的推移总是可以给人一些特别的东西。 在新的环境,我感到有点兴奋。能够识别新的学生和教师是我最大的收获。在未来3年,我们将共同学习,工作,进步,使我们的梦想成真。我也会有新朋友,并分享他们的喜悦和悲伤。学习也是一个成长的过程。 同样,我也将面临许多困难。我可能有学习困难和获得与同学一起,结出了一些在生活中的压力。不过,我会坚强地度过高中三年的每一步。


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