

05月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的发现作文三年级写五十字]有一天,我在小区里的一个小花园里玩。草地上的小花有红的、黄的、白的……五颜六色的美丽极了。我这时注意到一根小草的上面既然有一只小小的蜗牛。 我看着小蜗牛,我的脑海里...+阅读


Warm in the dream of national day 11 to, but I have long been looking forward to the happy travel was high fever disease admitted to the hospital. Hospital injection, I think this is a lot of people have had the experience, I think we will not be too good impression of these four words. However, in this short holiday, I feel a lot of warm. The first to bring me warm, is my classmate. When I was in hospital, I was not going to visit me all the time. So, I don't know who is the organization, the whole class for me to write a note. The more simple words, such as the leaf, the leaf, the leaf, tell you a little secret, you no longer...... , impressed me the most is: hurry up, flat leaves, the disease he ya. Although the students did not write any words in the language. But the most simple and plain language is the most touching the hearts of the people. At this moment, I feel warm in the heart. Bring me warm, and my teacher. Junior middle school is very busy, whether teachers or students, although not as to work day and night, but "pressure of big mountain" is still certain. And the teacher is with a few classmates in so busy learning life taking time to see me, for I send operations, although the stay time is not long, but the emotion between teachers and students is enough to reflect. The warmth that the teacher brought to me had been applied to the heart. My most memorable, is the same unit that the real friends be strangers to each other. Because of the length of the hospital, so many of the school fell a lot of homework, so much homework, of course, in the ward to continue to fill. My house is sick of a child, a child who likes to watch TV. And my roommate in order not to disturb my learning, especially the TV off. Let that child how to cry are not open, afraid of affecting my learning. I see in the eyes, although not speaking, but already felt the warmth. No matter where, the warmth is everywhere. I will spread the warmth to all the places.


National Day

October 1st is National Day in China every year.On that day ,Chinese people are quite happy to celebrate their motherland's birthday.and most people have seven days ' time to spend their holiday .they can go travelling ,visit their relatives or friends,shopping, relaxing or staying at home to have a good rest .During the holiday people raise national flags and red lights everywhere


October 1stis the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the wholecountry. It's an important day that marks the beginning of PRC. On that day,there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country, from thecentral government to the general people. And public places, including bigsquares, parks are decorated in festive theme. In recent years, the national holidaymeans the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expectto. With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desireto travel and the golden week is a good chance for them. Besides, for thosepeople who would not go out, it's a good time to have a good rest as well. Therefore,the national day means a lot to the Chinese.


国庆节 The National Day英语作文


国庆节的英语作文 50字

The national day is coming. I'llhave 8days holiday. one the frist day. I'llgo to a picnic day., I'll family at Qifeng park. on the 2nd day. I'll go to the beach in the second day. I vist my grandmother parenton the 3nd day. I help parents do some chores with my friend on the 5th day. I have a town party in town center on the 6th day. Then I will diong homework. 。



在我的身边作文四百五十字幸福在我身边 幸福是什么?有人说,幸福是拥有丰富的金钱,可以尽情享受;还有人说,幸福是衣来伸手、饭来张口。但我认为,幸福帮助别人,为别人服务。特别是那几天,使我对幸福的理解更加...


国庆假日活动作文五十字虽然在今年的国庆放假我什么地方都没有去的今年的国庆放假是最有意义的国庆假日。 在今年的国庆节我们本来是打算叫我堂哥过来和我一起玩,但我忘了我堂哥是一个稀奇古怪的人,...

国庆的七天作文五十字以上国庆的七天 几天是放假的第一天,我和爸爸 、妈妈一起去了奶奶家,奶奶家里的人特别多,好不热闹,“姐姐 、妹妹 、哥哥 。 还有许多。 这是干吗去呢?还用的全家动员。 大伯看了看,人...

心理健康小作文五十字有了健康的心理,才能正确、匆容、坦然的面对一切.才能对幸福有一个正确的理解,才能对幸福有一个合理的追求,你才会有幸福感. 贫困山区的小朋友们在那破烂不堪的教室里,用塑料布...


小兔子作文一百五十字小兔子 姑姑送给我一只兔子。这只兔子很美丽,它周身洁白,尤其是闪闪发光的眼睛像两颗红宝石嵌在头部。它十分惹人喜爱。 兔子性情温和,整天蹦蹦跳跳。可这几天,兔子有些异常,它胆...


我的表弟作文五十字我的表弟叫斌斌,他长得虎头虎脑,可爱伶俐,活像画面上的卡通人物。 去年春节,舅舅带表弟到我家来做客。表弟来我家的一些日子,我觉得可真是有趣极了。 他来的那天下午,我在做作业。...
