

06月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[制定自己的职业规划]1、确定志向。志向是事业成功的基本前提,没有志向,事业的成功也就无从谈起。所以,在制定职业规划前,首先要确立志向,这是制定职业规划的关键,也是你的职业规划中最重要的一点。 2...+阅读


140 words, that is not enough. But, let me try.

This is what I want to be.

If my English is as good as my Chinese, which I am working on, I want to be living with English. I will learn a trade in English, totally, such as a car technician. I will be able to use English to talk about all the 20,000 parts of a car, to talk about how to assemble a car with those 20,000 parts, and to assign jobs to my men when I become a supervisor. When I am in the trade of my choice, I will not use Chinese at all, because my men will not understand Chinese. They will understand English and many other languages but not Chinese. English is our working language, our socialising language.

Why do I plan my career as above? Because what I can do with Chinese I may not be able to do in English. If I want to do the same thing in both Chinese and English, I have to learn how to do it in both languages. That is a waste of my time.

When I want to become a car technician, I only need to learn the trade in English, thus wasting no time to learn the same trade again in Chinese, nor wasting time translating English into Chinese, which I know already.

My career will be a car technician in English. That is what I want to be.


Career planning

From entering the company's first day, I will actively integrate into the company of family, deal with colleagues, the relationship between supervisors to learn from colleagues, for their work as soon as possible, in order to give their companies a source of strength for each .

Positive thinking every day how to better complete the task of summing up the results of the work, gains and losses. A full week every month to learn the planning, learning through continuous access to the progress of work.

With a half months to January the time to familiarize themselves with, understand their work;

Do their jobs within six months;

Within one year as a supervisor of the right-hand man;

Three years to be promoted in their jobs can be独挡一面;

Five years to become the industry leader, in a company can make a special contribution to the achievement of self-worth.

Ten years I will be a successful person, as in the company's senior management personnel, access to a wide range of social recognition.



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