

07月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求关于四级考试的英语作文]2011年12月英语四级作文题目 Directions: You're allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the hum...+阅读


Hello, everyone, my name is cheng. My height is not high, but, I'm a a deep card! Don't believe it? Let me tell you about!Remember once, I and my friend of "cat and mouse" game. I'm not notice that my friend 1 of "pa", catch me. I turned into a cat to catch mice. Because is the eyes closed, I can't see anything, I can only to hurl, made everyone laugh. I was like a cat on hot bricks - around. Suddenly, I thought of a good way: stood motionless, when they come over, a quick victory, quickly take them to this recruit really work, once caught two mice, smug, I show the bright smile....


May 8, 2012 nights, in a bus suddenly lost control and drove toward the critical point, student Zhang, Li Li despite life-threatening, stepping forward to rescue two students were involved in the car was crushed, and legs, and is still high amputation had been unconscious. She was just 29 years old this year ... this extraordinary moment, and she touched the hearts of the people of the present illness affects more people's hearts, Zhang, Li Li's deeds in the community, she has found a strong concern everyone called "the most beautiful women teachers. She lives in the student is seriously threatened, the crucial moment, stood up, and sacrificed his life to the hope of life left for dead, and the students left to their own risk, and the weakness in their own body support a life of the sky, the action has written a song to feel the day the Love chant. She has been practicing traditional Chinese virtues of bravery, highlighting the good image of the good practice examples of socialist core values. After this the young man of 80 female teachers, composed with his life that the greatest love songs. Needs of the community this is energy, she is a well-deserved the

四级英语作文my favorite

Do you know who my favorite teacher is? Now I tell his name to you, OK?

Our English teacher is my favorite , He is called ***.He is a good teacher and he is very fun .He always encourages us to study well ,I remembered that he told us:“You should stand the test of time , overcome every difficulty and challenge to win .”He lets the students believe that “Where there is a will ,there is a way(有志者事竟成) .”meaningwhile,he treats each pupil fairly. And he has taught us a lot of knowledge. So we all love him.


可爱的动物作文范文 100字的可爱的小狗 我奶奶家那有一只小狗,它很特殊,从一件事里就可以发现它的神奇。下面我就讲给你听听吧。 有一次,我看见“地包天”,喔!就是我奶奶的狗,闲着没事做。我看着它,想出了一个...

英语四级考试作文范文有哪些呢作文范文高分版 It is nothing unusual to find overprotective parents who help their children in all aspects of life。 The question is, are they sure their heart...

有木有写看病的英语作文Chen Ming was ill yesterday. So he went to see a doctor. A nurse took his temperature. After he got to the waiting room. Then he went to the doctor's room. The...

关于考试的英语作文教育走向国际化成为关注的热点,本话题为热议校园生活话题,与2004年旅游景点介绍2006年考查的名校校园开放有一致性。 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes...


2015年英语ab级考试作文范文例文 There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing...

2010年七月四级考试作文范文Nowadays, many students do not pay more attention to the English spelling,this phenomenon is increasingly common, after investigating, I think it is because of...

中专升大专英语考试作文范文默默地,时间悄然而过。这已是我能在盐南的最后一个秋季,不禁想对我的中专生活感言:作为中专生,我也很骄傲。 走进中专大门的那一瞬间;我依然还清晰地听得见压抑内心深处的遗憾与...

英语备课大师七年级期末考试作文范文英语备课大师七年级期末考试作文范文,水泵型号为Y160M22的扬程和流量是多少:Liu Zongyuan once said: "the rate of two evening Swim: open as if also, austria." ("Yongzhou L...
