

07月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Some people think life is love,we cannot live without love.some people believe life is marriage.But for me,life are both.

First,if life is only love,there will be no point in marriage.We get married because of we want to love forever,we are eager for romantic life.Thus,marriage provides us a legal garantee,whatever we do ,we are protected by law.At the same time,when getting married,we'll get more wishes from our friends,relatives and parents,we'll feel happy than ever before.

Second,marriage cannot live longer without love.Love is the origin of marriage,love is the base of marriage.Each lover has a sweet dream of having a happy life and love describes a colorful marriage promoting the reletionship between the couples.

In all,we should put love and marriage together.Then,happy life will be come to us.


Love, is eternal, and many people often say so. however。 And who knows what true love is? Love, is divided into many kinds: parents' love to their children, I used to call it love, or father; and in which, including the your grandpa and grandma, Grandpa and grandma their love for you. Another kind, is the true love between men and women, that is, love; in fact, there is no big deal, love, is the most attractive love. Finally, is the love between friends, students, and everyone has a love. Man's life, because of love and change. There is a story that can be summed up in this story: Jack received a Christmas gift from his brother on the day before Christmas, a new car. At noon, Jack came out of the office and saw a little boy in the street, walking around his new car, with his hands on his face and his admiration. Jack was very interested in the little boy, and the little boy asked, "Sir, is this your car?" "Yes, this is a Christmas gift from my brother." The little boy opened his eyes and said: "you mean, this is your brother gave it to you? You don't have to spend a penny?" "Yes." "Wow, I wish..." Jack thought he would have hoped he would have such a brother, but he was wrong. "I wish I could be a brother like that too." Jack was deeply moved, let the little boy on the car, decided to send him home, also let him experience the new spirit. "Sir, would you please wait for me in front of my house for a while?" "Of course." Jack parked his car in front of his house, from their home, the little boy must not belong to the class of Jack. For a moment, the little boy came out, and apparently with his brother, his brother because of illness and a lame foot. They sat down, and the little boy sat on the steps with his little brother. "It's pretty, right? And I was upstairs to tell you the same is not it? This is his brother gave him a Christmas gift, he does not have to spend a penny, I will buy a car in the future, you will be able to see me and you said in the window of the beautiful Christmas gifts " This is a story about his brother's love for his brother, may not generalize all, but gave us a touching story.


What Is the True Meaning of Love?

Many people have lost the true meaning of love. Love is a very important part of one's life, and if there is uncertainty, it should not be pursued. The true meaning of love is to be in a complete and total bond with each other and care for each other when others flee. While many people try to achieve love in other ways, such as seeking financial support or having someone to support them in ways that they should do on their own, is not the true meaning of love. The ideas stated in the last sentence would help relationships but would blur the overall meaning of love.

Many people have looked for love in the wrong places. One must find a person to care for one in the darkest days to fully understand the true meaning of love. The true meaning of love is not easily achievable, and that is why some people will settle for less. True love will make one happy above all other aspects of life. The struggle to find one's perfect match is worth it in the end. Most people will settle for living a mediocre life with an average person instead of seeking the true meaning of love.


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