

07月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com



Beloved Robert:

Serve as me in this paragraph of financial crisis , receive your incoming letter I am elated. When you ask about an impact of my financial crisis over my family, sorrowfulness that I feel having a pick. Because of, financial crisis is hit by father mother in this unemployment , invisible income fall off. They often quarrel with money, I grip in the middle of will do being in a bind. At last , our family has found one answering measure: The family cuts down a disbursement , increases income! I am full of confidence to future , you have confidence to me? Does your family also have the effect accepting financial crisis? Am I glad to be able to have a conversation with you very much, how about you? Give me a reply as soon as possible please. Wish that you learn progressing , self's studies achieves success.

Your Chinese penfriend

Wang Hua


The financial market is also known as capital market, monetary market and capital market, is the financial market. The so-called financing, is refers in the economic operation of the financial buildingIn the process, both sides of supply and demand of funds use various financial tools to regulate capital surplus activity, all financial transaction activities. In the financial market is a variety of financial instruments, such as stock, bond, deposit etc.. Financing is the abbreviation of financing, generally divided into direct financing and indirect financing two. Direct financing is the fund supply and demand sides of direct financing activities, namely capital demand directly through the financial market to the society has a surplus of funds for institutional and individual financing; correspondingly, indirect financing through banks refers to the financing activities, namely capital needs to take that to the bank and other financial intermediaries apply for loans financing. Financial market on all aspects of economic activities have direct influence, such as personal wealth, enterprise management, the efficiency of economic operations, are directly dependent on the financial markets activities. 望采纳,我们也有这英语作文。


Lasting more than one years, the American housing market crisis gradually extended to the whole financial system to be a financial crisis all over the world, in which progress every conuntry is included. Being customed by market economy, most western countries are not convenient to rely on the government input to survive this crisis, but they have no other alternatives. Basicly, there are at least two things for governments to do in this crisis. First, enough fund should be prepared to ganrantee the stablity of the whole financial system. Maintaining the steady of the financial system is becoming one of the most important things in today's economic system because a healthy fiancial system is the basic of healthy financing and investment. It is difficult for the growth of the substantial economy with the lack of the financing support. Second, there must be some changes in the whole financial system which should be organised by governments. If the traditional investment method is proved to be inefficient in current economic situation, the old financial system would require some improvement. For example, when the investment banks bankrupted in the financial crisis, the American government gave this organisation up soon to protect the investors as well as other financial institutions. Moreover, many other measures thould be taken by governments including maintaining the stability for the commercial market and the normal life of residents referring to low unemployment.


slammed when their adjustable mortgage finally adjusted. When too many of them couldn't afford to make their payments, it causes these lenders to suffer from liquidity issue and to sit on more foreclosures than they could sell. Mortgage-backed securities became more risky and worth less causing investment firms like Lehman Brothers to suffer. Moreover, insurers like AIG who insured these bad mortgages also got in trouble.The scheme worked well, but it reverses course and is now coming back to hurt everyone with a vengeance. 风萧♂易水※ 回答采纳率:16.7% 2009-06-05 20:26


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