

08月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写事的作文600带批注不少于五处不少于200]八月十五,是一年一度的中秋佳节! 中秋节一早,我们一家驾着车回家。由于今年中秋兼国庆放假八天,更因为中小型车辆免收过路费的原因导致了严重塞车,原本两个半小时可以到家的,结果...+阅读

英语作文。不少于200字 。急需

Dear XX company leader:

Thank you for me has always been the strong support for the work. In the future, I hope we can have further cooperation. Hope to have the opportunity to visit China, you will enjoy the most beautiful Chinese scenery, bird's nest, the Imperial Palace, the Great Wall and many more places of historic interest and scenic beauty. Your support will be our biggest motivation.




Dear B, (亲爱的B) I would like to express my gratitude to your care while I was staying with your family. I am thankful for your kindly assistance which made me warm during the period of studying abroad. (在我住在你家的那段日子,很感谢你们对我的照顾。你们对我的帮助令孤身在国外读书的我感到非常温暖,在此深深表示感激。) I feel so sorry that I have left a book in your house. That book is very important for me. Would you mind sending it back to me? Please accept my apology for any inconvenience caused. (非常抱歉,我不小心把一本书遗留在你家里,那本书对我很重要的,不知道可不可以把它寄回给我?如果对你造成任何不便,请原谅。) I am looking forward to your visit to my home and i am sure you would enjoy this trip. Hope to see you soon. (我盼望着有一天你会到我家来探望我,相信你会享受这次旅程。

期望快点跟你见面。) Yours truly, A (真诚的 A)


July 15th,2010

Dear partner,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you. It's nice of you to decorate my office and give me a gift certificate of a seafood restaurant on my birthday. I was so touched.Please accept my sincere thanks for your kindness, which I will never forget.

Yours sincerely,

John smith


你没有说日期,我就随便编了一个, 格式就是这样了


June 29, 2008 Dear David, I am writing to show my sincere gratitude for your family when I was in New York. Thank you for your passional entertaining.Although we are in the different city,I hope we can keep touch with each other closer. Please remember me to your parents. Thanks again for your kind help. yours, XXX


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