One possible version: In our journey of life, it's our great fortune to meet with something or someone. Be grateful for what they bring us and cherish what we have, no matter they are rich or poor, happy or sad, good or bad. Just like our drinking glass, whether half full or half empty, we are lucky to have such a glass and own what there is in it. Take Helen Keller, a famous American writer as an example. Deprived of sight and hearing by a disease, she became disabled when she was young. Instead of feeling depressed and complaining “Why Me”, she chose a positive attitude to life and regarded what she encountered as the best gift God gave her. Bearing gratitude for life within, she met with her lifelong teacher Sullivan and finished her famous novel “Three Days to See”. It was the painful times of her life that made her stronger, wiser and more loving. Though pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. When we are experiencing hard times, it becomes more challenging to be grateful. Be grateful for our life with all its lessons and blessings, and success and happiness is just around the corner!
1. sometimes, it's not good to tell the truth
2.Some people believe it is good to gain experience by making mistakes while some believe it's better to listen to parents' advices
3.One thing to change in the hometown
4.how to success (by chance? by hardworking?...)
5.Contrast summer and winter……(这是最让我无语的题目)
Father'sDay is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood. Father'sDay was first born in 1910 in the United States. It was proposed by a lady when she was celebrating Mother's Day. Many countries celebrate it on the third Sunday of June, but it is also celebrated widely on other days. The celebrations are often related to gifts giving and family dinners. On Father's Day, people choose specific flowers to respect for his father. In China, because of the national character, few people wear flowers to show his respect for his father and there is no large celebrations. But on the influence of the west, there are a growing number of people celebrate this holiday and tell their love to fathers.
求:失去后才懂得珍惜的作文素材3个好的追加那一晚,李太白正是因为错过了在家乡享受浓浓乡情之故,才吟诵出了流传千古的名句:“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡”。 那一次,王安石正是因为错过了褒禅山的极游...
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立足当下成就梦想作文素材忘却了浴火重生的苦痛,凤凰涅盘重生;经受过暴风雨的洗礼,彩虹仍现于碧空;展望着广阔的天空,雄鹰终自由翱翔。立足于当下,终有属于自己别样的天空。 鲁迅曾说过:“只有不仰望天空的...
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求一篇关于珍惜的素材500字求一篇关于珍惜的素材500字,珍惜拥有的一切的800字作文:珍惜情感, ①母爱是迷惘时苦口婆心的规劝;母爱是远行时一声殷切的叮咛;母爱是孤苦无助时慈祥的微笑。②母爱是一缕阳光,让...