

09月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[观察作文200字小动物]小 蜗 牛 我家养了几只小蜗牛,那是过“六一”节时,妈妈送给我的。 小蜗牛的外形与田螺相似,而外壳却是棕色的。一些粗细不一,黄色、黑色和白色的花纹贯穿其间。它的身子、吸盘和...+阅读


My family and I had many plans about out national holidays.but during national holiday,My family and I went on a trip.We went to many places of interest.One of the most interesting places is Beijing.On that day We went to the Palace Museum.It is crowed and noisy.After that we went to the Great Wall.We walked on the wall and we can see much farther.It made me very excited.It made me think of Qinshihuang.He did many famous things. Some of them are bad for many people.But other things are good.When we got to the hotel,It was ten o'clock.







The significance of National Day:

1. National Day Memorial Day is a characteristic of modern nation-state, which appears with the emergence of modern nation-state, and becomes particularly important. It is a symbol of an independent country, reflecting the state and regime of the country.

2. Once the special commemorative way of National Day becomes a new and universal Festival form, it bears the function of reflecting the cohesion of the country and the nation. At the same time, the large-scale celebrations on National Day are also the concrete manifestation of the mobilization and appeal of the government.

3, the significance of national day also shows strength, confidence, cohesion and appeal.


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