

09月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小熊过生日作文怎么写]今天,小熊要开生日联欢会,他请了小兔、小狗、小猫和蜗牛。 晚上,小猫准备去小熊家,可路上却遇见了狐狸。狐狸请求小猫带他去,可小猫说:“你这么坏,我才不带你去呢!”说着,小猫急匆匆...+阅读


Winnie the Pooh is a lovely bear.He is a chubby(圆胖的)little bear with yellow fluff.He is about 22 inches tall.Wears an old red T-shirt.He lives in Ashdown Forest , 100 Acer Wood West, in the hallow Walnut Tree.Piglet,Christopher Robin are his best friends.He likes to eat honey very much.He often looks for honey to fill the Rumblee in his tommy.His favourite sayings are "Oh, bother." and "Think, think, think." This is Winnie the Pooh,a lovely,of very little brain bear....


Winnie the Pooh is a lovely bear.He is a chubby(圆胖的)little bear with yellow fluff.He is about 22 inches tall.Wears an old red T-shirt.He lives in Ashdown Forest , 100 Acer Wood West, in the hallow Walnut Tree.Piglet,Christopher Robin are his best friends.He likes to eat honey very much.He often looks for honey to fill the Rumblee in his tommy.His favourite sayings are "Oh, bother." and "Think, think, think." This is Winnie the Pooh,a lovely,of very little brain bear....


I read the picture book Winnie the Pooh when I was little.

Pooh's favorite food is honey or, as his writes on his jars, Hunny. He always want to eat honey no matter when and where he is. It seems he will be satisfied with any jar of honey.

I think Pooh has a very clear goal in his life and his goal is reasonable and reachable. Otherwise, Pooh would be an unhappy bear.


我最喜欢的玩具小熊的作文怎么写可以从小熊的外貌,小熊的颜色,小熊的材质,小熊的由来进行写作。 小熊的清洗过程:将洗涤剂加入水盆,并冲入一些水,用一般的软毛刷搅动盆中的水,搅出丰富的泡沫,接着用软毛刷沾着泡沫...

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小作文小熊过生日小猴小兔小鸟小狗送礼物在一片茂密的大森林里,住着各种各样的动物,有大象、老虎、小熊、小猴……它们和睦相处,互相帮助,有着深的友谊。 一天,一只小猴子被前来打猎的猎人捉住了。森大里的其他动物纷纷...

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