[安全月征文稿]安全月主题征文稿范文 安全,简单的两个字眼,日常提起的嘴边话题,然而正是这样一个老生常谈的话题,因为一时疏忽,麻痹大意所带来的后果却让我们胆战心惊,无限遗憾!2014年一季度发生...+阅读
题目很复杂,我估计应该是“我喜欢支付获取的痛苦” 白话文应该就是“我喜欢增添痛苦”差不多就是这个意思
The people all thought the pain is very not the good matter, but I rather increase the pain not to be willing to be idle idleness to be comfortable every day.A life is very short, we discipline in the pain oneself, like this can defeat oneself, grows in the difficult position.I like paying the gain the pain, because I hoped oneself can grow in a big hurry, the pain should be oneself strives for, the defeat is mother of the success, therefore we should very much be defeated, disciplines in the defeat pain oneself, the hammer hits oneself, thus it can be seen, the pain is not not a good matter, on the contrary, it also can bring the good luck to us, therefore, I like paying the gain the pain.
John (me) and Mary (my partner):J- What a pleasant surprise! Fancy meeting you here, Mary.M- Hello, John. Long time no see. How's everything with you?J- Just fine and you?M- Great, especially now with the finals being over.J- Yes. What a week we had! Last week. I literally buried myself into the books preparing for the exams all day long. You can tell I look exhausted.M- What a busy week indeed. We all look tired and need some fresh air.J- This is exactly I am planning to do. Do you have any plans?M- Nothing specific, and you?J- Yes. Since we spent all last week on campus, although our campus is one of the most beautiful ones in the city and there are a lot of things we can do on campus, I really need some fresh air outside the campus.M- Yes for sure.J- Have you seen the movie just released yesterday?M- Which one?J- The Dragons by my favorite movie star, Jacky Chan. I hears it was a great movie and Jack Chan did a wonderful job in portraying a patriotic businessman turned to a general in the Red Army.M- Yeah. I heard about it and it got very good review.J- Jack Chan has been an idol for me since I were ten, when I started the take lessons on martial arts. Since then, my dream was to become a master of martial arts. And some day I could perform, like Jack Chan, martial arts in a movie.M- So, are you suggesting to go to see the movie?J- Yes, definitely. If you are interested, let's go then. Here comes the bus. Let's get on before it is too late.
My career-teacher,以下的内容可以参考:)~~
Different person has different ideas in choosing their work.For me, to be a teacher is my ideal work.Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher. Teacher can teach students various of knowledges, not only teach them how to be good at study, but also how to be a good person. A good teacher can lead his students onto the right road, avoiding makeing mistakes. In a word, To be a teacher could contribute a lot both to their students and to the society. In order to become a teacher in future,I'll study hard now and accumulate all kinds of knowledges to be prepare for future, Especially, I should be more excellent and have more merits. Because a teacher is the model of his students.
A teacher helps kids learn to write small. A teacher takes us outside to play. Don't talk back to the teacher. Teachers do not like pink slips. Teachers will get mad if somebody is being bad. A teacher will always love her kids.I think a teacher should be good at explaining things. A teacher should be fun but challenging. A good teacher should be organized. I like a teacher who teaches fun activities in class and not just writing on paper. A teacher should like teaching.
Teacher teaches us a lot of things.if you have not been taught by teacher,you must be a man who know little knowledge.I think that teacher is a very good job.teacher can learn a lot of things too.many people like this job.
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