

10月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[200字左右写景的文章]春天的期盼 “滴答,滴答”哦,又在下雨了!教室角落传来了埋怨的声音!“唉呀!怎么又在下雨了?我们已经很久没运动了吔!”抗议的声音回荡于整间教室。 寒冷的冬天踏着沉重的脚步离开了...+阅读


Though different educational systemd have different purpose, one thing is certain: all students should take part in examination. In the English educational system, students take three important exams..... (虽然不同的教育制度目的各不相同,但是有有点必须肯定的,所有学生都必须参加考试, 在英国的教育体系里,学生们必须参加三次重要的考试。。。。。)累不累的啊,不打了,,,哈哈,,我也无聊呢,,...



Though it is a little idealistic, this book tells you how to create heaven in this world of trouble. The boy Enrico is of fairly decent birthline and is blessed with wonderful parents who love him by teaching him what is right and wrong, and how to respect and give compassions to those who are not as blessed.

Most of the children in this book are very very poor, and their parents are just as troubled as their children. De Amicis gives warm, gentle, compassionate embrace to these people, no matter how wretched or bad they might be, and tries to bring hope and encouragement to them through how Enrico and his loving parents relate to them. Enrico is not a perfect boy, he makes lots of mistakes, behaves disrespectful at times, and receives corrections. His parents are very strict and they don't slack off in raising their boy. Their corrections sometimes seem too harsh, but one can tell they come from true love, and Enrico understands that.

If all parents in this world teach their children this way, we would have a much much better world.

It's an ideal, but it can be real, and to make it real, one should start reading this book and learn how to make this world heaven, instead of wasting one's precious time watching violence-filled meaningless movies.

I would recommend parents and teachers to read it, though it's a very good book for your children as well.


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