

01月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[造句。选三个或以上。一段200字的]造句1:(凡用到上述词语的,会以书名号标明) 这个周末,天空中《阴雨蒙蒙》,刚睁开眼,我那不安分的小脑袋又开始浮想联翩了,回味着昨晚的计划,心中莫名的一阵激动,立马起床出门准备去实施...+阅读


Yuan Ming Yuan, before its destruction, was referred to as the "Garden of Gardens," since it was a combination of gardens of different styles, Chinese and Western.

Yuan Ming Yuan consisted of three gardens. Yuan Ming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Splendour), Chang Chun Yuan (Garden of Eternal Spring) and Qi Chun Yuan (Garden of Gorgeous Spring). They covered 350 hectares.

Plan of the three-in-one garden, with Qi Chun Yuan in the front, Yuan Ming Yuan on the left, and Chang Chun Yuan on the right.

The southern part of the huge garden was occupied by palatial buildings, where emperors handled state affairs. Over the rest of the garden were scattered 40 scenic areas, which each consisted of smaller landscapes, 50 of them being imitation of garden, for example, were copies of the ten scenic spots of Hangzhou's West Lake with identical borrowed names.


Today is a sunny day . Father, mother and I go to the Beijing Wild Animals Zoo.

First, we go to see the monkeys. There are many monkeys here. They are very interesting .Some are eating, some are swinging along the chains, others are fighting. Only one is sitting on the wood plank, she is very fat, I guess she has a baby in her belly.

Second, we go to see the Chimpanzee. He is very big, he speaks”cici—cici--” ,like bees. Look, I am making a pose of a chimpanzee.

Then , we go to see the animals show. I like monkeys and lions best. Monkeys can ride bikes. One monkey is very funny, when the wave his the monkey rides as fast as he can, but when the man doesn't see him, he falls down to the groud and have a rest. Here come the lions. The lions can jump through the fire ring, they are not afraid of fire at all.

After show, we get on a car with iron net to see wild animals. We see brown bears, they are swimming in a pond. I feed the vegetables to the deers ,giraffs and zebras. Oh, there is a tiger in front of our car. We throw the meat to the tiger, he is very happy, he runs to the meat and eats it.

Off get the car, I see many people are taking pictures with a baby lion! I want to take a pictures with him ,too. Mom is worried , but Daddy says OK, I run to the baby lion quickly , I hug the lion and Mum takes pictures for me.

What a wonderful day !


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