

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我最喜欢的小动物作文]我最喜欢的小动物作文一:小狗 我喜欢的小动物有很多,比如:狗狗,小白鼠,大熊猫,鹦鹉,狐狸,蛇,狼但是,我最喜欢的小动物,就是我们人类最忠诚的朋友~狗狗。大家请听我细细道来。 我最喜欢...+阅读




The trendiest kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. David Smith of North London has a pot-bellied pig named Connie. “Pot-bellied pigs make the best pets,” said David. “She watches TV on the sofa with me every night. She's my best friend.” However, life with a pig isn't always perfect. “When I got my pig, she was small,” said David, “but she eats a lot. Now she's too big to sleep in the house, so I made her a special pig house. Also, pigs need a lot of love. Sometimes I don't have enough time to spend with her.”



题目:Something about the swine flu


第一段:During the past few months,more and more pople have been infected by the swine flu.And it seems that there is no end of the raised numbers of people getting infected.Besides,the swine flu has a possiblity of variation.

第二段:The rote of people infected by swine flu may be touching the infected live pigs or touching the environment infected.Besides,the swine flu may spread among people.

第三段:In order not to be infected,we'd better not go out and go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of being infected.Besides, you should ware a surgical mask when going out and wash your hands frequently before meals.With the appearence of influenza vaccination,the government have been organizing people to inoculate the vaccination.



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