

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的偶像作文开头结尾]我的偶像作文开头 1.我想,现在不管什么年龄段的人都会有自己的偶像,自己喜欢的明星吧!我们这个年龄段大多喜欢萧亚轩,李媛希等。爸爸妈妈喜欢邓丽君,刘德华等。只不过,我们比大...+阅读


My Idol

My idol is Rainie Yang . She was born on June 4th,1984.She was born in taiwan. She is a singer and an actress . She is beautiful and cute. She is162cm tall. Her weight is 42kg . She can speak Chinese,English,Japanese and Cantonese dialect. Her lucky number is3.She is afraids the mouse. She has a mother and younger sister. Her ideal is to be a hair stylist,Make-up artist and dance teacher . She is clever andbrave. She is good at singing,dancing,swimming andacting. Her blood type is A. Her constellations is Gemini. She likes black,white and grey. She likes playing table tennis and swimming. She likes dogs. Her live concert will hold on Taipei Arena in April 24th .She loves her fans and her fans love her too.




1).I like JJ lin very much . he is young , not handsome but so outstanding . he creats so much music ,and sing by himself ! so this the reason that many people like him .

especially chirdren .

in a word ,I admire him ! he is my proud forever !

2).I like listening to music at free time .And my idols are Jolin Tsai and Mariah Carey .

Jolin has a beautiful build .As a singer , she can dance as well as singing .She can achieve very difficult dancing posture .Her music has a changeable style .I enjoy things like this.

Mariah Carey is a half-blood singer .She has a excellent voice. Her fans call her MC or Mimi .She is a top singer in the world .Her works often have the highest note. It's incredible .She is famous for her origina music styles.She is regarded as the Queen of R&B .


My idol

As the old saying goes: An idol is an example to advise you what should do and what should not do. Everyone has his/her idol. Who is your idol? Your parents, famous people or a movie star?

My idol is my father who is not only an excellent father but also a responsible husband. First of all, in my memories, he doesn't argue with my mother all the time. Exactly speaking, he is a tolerant husband. Whenever me mom angry, the great father always has many ways to make my mother delighted. Without my father, I can't imagine the atmosphere in my family. Then, he is a responsible father. Last year, my brother was put into prison for a week since he had a fight with other guys. My mother cried all day, however, my father went to prison to visit my brother and had a deep talk with my brother. A week later, my brother turned into another person just like my father. The great father teaches his children how to face instead of how to hide. The least but not last, because my father works in a company far away from our home, he goes back home every weekends. He would talk a lot with my brother and me as long as he goes back. From his talking, I get lot and begin to know what a person my father is.

He is the man just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like my father: a tolerant, responsible and an optimistic person.

My idol is my father; I hope I will be the idol of my children.


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