

12月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于感恩的小短文或作文急需!急需!急需 !]人生的终极目标是向生命的高层空间演化发展,这种演化我们可称为生命的升华,所谓升华生命,就是让自己生命的反物质结构向至美过度。如何过度?答:感恩。 感什么恩?首先是感谢真主—...+阅读

Sima Guangzijunshi is a native of Xia County, Shaanxi Province. When Sima Guang was 7 years old, he was already like an adult (old age refers to weak crown, 16 years old, not today's 18 years old). He especially liked to listen to Zuo's Spring and Autumn Festival, and came back to tell his family after knowing its main idea. From then on, he loved Zuo's Spring and Autumn Festival, and even forgot hunger, thirst, cold and hot. A group of children were playing in the courtyard. A child stood on the big urn (non-cylinder, urn belongs to pottery, small mouth, pottery, big mouth and later age). When he fell, the urn was submerged by water. The other children ran away. Sima Guang broke the urn with a stone and the water flowed out, so the child could live.


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