

12月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[秋雨作文400字不要太好大概六年级水平]今天下雨了,这表明了,秋姑娘已经慢慢来到我们身边,还把她蕴藏了一年之久的露珠播撒大地——秋雨来了! 蒙蒙细雨中的雨珠包含清爽的空气,好新鲜,真是一个秋高气爽的季节,还有飘飘洒...+阅读

One day, Si Maguang and a few children were playing in the garden. There was a jar. It was full of water. A boy climbed onto it and played. Unluckily, he fell into the jar. The jar was big and the water was deep. The children saw it. He was soon going to be all in the water. The children was terribly afraid. Then they began to cry and shout:' Help! help!' . They ran off to call for the parrents. At this dangerous moment, Si Maguang had a good idea. He looked and picked up a big stone. He threw hard the stone at the Jar. 'Banging!' The jar broke and the water come out sudenly and quickly. The little child was saved. The little boy, Si Maguang, was cool-headed and quick-headed.He was like a parent at an early age.


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中秋赏月作文800字初2水平中秋赏月 农历的八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节,这一天的月亮又圆又亮,流落异乡的亲人用月光寄托情感。于是我想起了一个神话 相传远古时候,天上9个个太阳被后羿射了下来...


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