

12月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学PEP六年级下册英语单词表]u1 taller.shorter.stronger.older.younger.cm.than.little.tail.think,funnierkg.bigger.heavier.longer.thinner.heavier.longer.thinner,smalller.feet.size.wear,meter,...+阅读

On the initial stage, silent film, I forgot to mention one person, he has always been an artist from the market, but the board of the great temple of art. This is Charlie Chaplin. This is the first in the United States from Europe was able to fully display his talents, and conquered the world with its artistic artists. Chaplin, the film beyond the improvisational comedy. As a viewer, I can not confess that, although Chaplin makes me laugh, let me excited, but he could not stir my appreciation, after all: watching the time I felt like he came to the amusement park, but this place honestly that I rarely go there because I still prefer the more elegant entertainment.


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