

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初二作文语文练习册上的]人,往往如此:一旦拥有就会忽视某些事的存在,一旦失去,就会后悔莫及,在拥有的同时,你是否珍惜? 上天总是公平的,难道不是?阳光雨露、鸟语花香,大自然都给予。欢笑与哀愁,我们每个人都拥...+阅读

when the sun come in room,you can see the beautiful sign,you can feel the warm from sunshine.Then you eat delicious breakfast,there are bread and a cup of milk.

when you go to the park,the wind swept you hair,you can see the flowers come back in spring,you can see the red flower,yellow flower,etc.

the new leave stand in tree,you can see green sea! the brid fly in blue sky,you also feel the freedom!you face have sweet smile,the child run in the park,the old play taiji.

in the afternoon,you can read the book in the library,you can get the knowleges from different book.

you can enjoy the wonderful life.


2016初二语文练习册38页作文阳关轻抚在花朵的瓣叶上, 花朵比阳光更加的耀眼璀璨; 说阳光是公平的, 却冷落了那油绿的叶,讽刺道:“你只配为她人做衬托!” 风儿只与花朵共舞, 花瓣在风的怀抱下摇曳,盛是妖媚! 如同...

仁爱英语同步练习册七年级下册around. Spring lasts from March to May. It's very warm. Sometimes it rains , but not heavily. Summer begins in June. It's a very hot season. The sun shines brig...
