

01月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语80词作文]How I learned to learn English I was always afraid of English.But I'm not now.At first, I can't understand the grammar.Then I buyed a grammar book and study ver...+阅读

I WANT TO STUDY ABROAD 我想出国留学 I want to study abroad. 我想出国留学。 Studying abroad is very expensive. Not only that, but I may also experience homesickness when away from my family for so long. But despite this, stydying abroad is still very attractive to me. Receiving an higher education overseas is like taking a journey to an exotic destination. It may be chockfull of surprises and happiness. 留学对于我来说是很贵,不仅如此,对于出国留学远离亲人关怀的人来说很容易患上思乡症。

虽然如此,留学对于我来说依然很吸引我。在海外接受高等教育,就像是体验异国情调的目的地,将会充满着惊奇与快乐。 One advantage is that living abroad for a period of time will allow me to experience a different life style and expand my horizon. So when I return to my motherland, I will have a wider base of knowledge and experience to draw on. 出国的一个好处就是我能够亲身体验异国风情开阔我的视野。

所以当我回国时,我将会拥有很不同的经历与学识。 Another advantage is that staying in another country is a wonderful chance to develop my foreign language skills. When it comes to learning a new language, nothing can take the place of immersing myself in a society using that language. 出国的另一个好处就是能够快速提高我的外语成绩。当你学一门外语时,能够在母语国是最好不过的了。 The third advantage of overseas studies is that I have to learn to be independent. Although an unfamiliar environment or culture is going to throw me plenty of pressure, adversity and struggle, but with right condition needed to withstand all these, I believe I will emerge with my opimism and selfconfidence intact. 第三个好处就是当我留学时能够学会独立。

虽然一个陌生的环境会给我许多的压力,但是对于我的成长来说是好的。我相信我能够保持我的乐观与自信。 Studying abroad might not be easy, but it provides a different perpective on life. I hope such a experience can help me develop both academically and personally. For me, that is as much as I shoud have for a meaningful life, and as much as people should run after. 留学固然不容易,但是它提供给我的尽力将会终生受益,将会是我的生活充满意义,我也将会一直追随。



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