

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com


September 10, Teacher's Day, no matter who should not forget that in the autumn of intractable brewing is full of thoughts and gratitude of the festival; this time of year, sustenance infinite Shien-feeling In the air, more people thought the campus and he came up the podium ... ... Ordinary reveals the great, let's go to admire to miss the last straw: past, present, future, every teacher should enjoy the respect and blessing. 岁月无痕,由近至远;人生有迹,点滴相连。

-Aging, from near to far; life, there are tracks, bit by bit connected. 从童年到青年,从青年到暮年,人的一生之所以绚丽温暖,是因为许多人、许多事给了我们底蕴,给了我们光泽,给了我们色彩,给了我们力量,给了我们勇敢……是父母给了我们生命,是家人给了我们亲情,是朋友给了我们友谊;是不幸给了我们成熟,是挫折给了我们坚定,是苦难给了我们刚毅,是逆境给了我们成功。

From childhood to youth, from youth to old age, reason why the gorgeous warmth of one's life, because many people gave us a lot of things inside information, give us shiny, gives us color, gives us strength, gives us courage ... ... parents gave us life, gave us a family, kinship, friendship, friends have given us; it is, unfortunately, gave us mature and is setback has given us a firm is suffering gives us fortitude, is adversity has given us success. 但在这一切当中,有一种色彩是底色,有一种力量是支撑,这就是老师的传道、授业,是老师的教诲、叮咛,是老师的批评、怒斥,是老师的呵护、引航! But in all of them, there is a background color is, there is a strength support, this is the teacher's preaching, Tuition, a teacher's teaching, exhorted, is the teacher's criticism, he rebuked, is the teacher's care, pilotage! 大爱无言,真爱无怨。

Silent love, love no complaint. 是老师的白发告诉了我们爱是春晖融雪,爱是雪中送炭;爱是沙漠绿洲,爱是生命之源;是老师的背影告诉了我们爱是一种给予,爱是一种奉献。 Is the teacher's hair tells us love is Chunhui melting snow, love is a timely help; love is a desert oasis, love is the source of life; the back of the teacher tells us love is a given, love is a dedication. 老师默默无言,不求回报,任凭粉尘染白发,任凭讲台留身影,师者如故,一年又一年,一代又一代。

Teacher silent, not asking for anything left to dust dyed hair, left to the podium to stay shadow, teachers are just as before, year after year, generation after generation. 在这金秋时节,让我们一起怀念,一起感谢,一起祝福,道一声:老师,您辛苦了…… In this golden season of autumn, let us remember, with gratitude, with the blessing, Road loudly: Teacher, you have worked hard ... ... 《老师您辛苦了》 "The teacher is tough for you" 采纳哦


妈妈您辛苦了作文亲爱的妈妈:您好! 妈妈,从小到大,您为我付出的心血犹如天上的繁星一样多。现在,应该是我报答您的时候了。 从我出生到现在,您总是无微不至地关怀着我。每当我哇哇大哭时,您都会扬着...

妈妈您辛苦了的作文我只要看到别人的妈妈我就想到您--敬爱的妈妈. 您每天,都会出现在我的视线中,虽然有些糊. 我的母亲是一位寻常的妈妈,她是严厉的诚肯的妈妈,一会干干那,“妮儿”“乖”的叫我也没...

有关妈妈您辛苦了为题的作文一提起妈妈这个词,总是能让我们感到温暖。妈妈就像我的大树,为我遮风避雨,陪伴我走过童年,走过青春! 我的妈妈是一位白衣天使,她身材不高,高高的鼻梁,大大的眼睛还有一张和蔼可亲的...

妈妈你辛苦了的作文母亲节不知不觉地就到了,她的脚步走遍了山山水水,这是为了告诉人们母亲的辛劳,也为了给每一位母亲带来欢乐和喜悦。 记得母亲节的那天中午,天气十分炎热,太阳像个大火球似的烤着...

妈妈你辛苦了作文父母的爱天天陪伴着你,母爱是最亲切的,是最令人陶醉,最令人向往的,最令人回忆的。 母爱是冬天里的一团火,每当冬天因为天气冷,妈妈每天5:30就起床做饭,吃完饭又轻轻地推出单车送我...



妈妈你辛苦了作文怎么写妈妈您辛苦了母爱是伟大的,母爱是无私的。母亲是那么的伟大,每当听到母亲这一个熟悉的名字,每一个孩子都会感到身为这位母亲的孩子而感到自豪。我也是这样的认为。 记得有一次,...

题目为xxx您辛苦了的作文清洁工,您辛苦了 天才刚蒙蒙亮。我推开窗户,想着今天该做些什么。 “刷,刷,刷”,我循着声音望去,隐隐约约的看见一个瘦小的身影。是一位风尘仆仆的女清洁工,大约四十岁,身穿一件桔红...
