
以 My RObot写一篇小作文

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急急急!以不该忽视的为题写一篇800字的作文]不该忽视的美 曾经在泰山观日出,曾经在九寨饮冰泉,曾经在南京赏雨花,曾经在烟台望仙山…… 游走在名山大川,诗情融于梦景之中,满心满眼皆是世间绚烂的极致,却于无意间忽视了世间最...+阅读

My Robot Last night, I had a beautiful dream.I was very excited that a robot came into my home . I called her Pink because she was wearing a pink dress. She did all my jobs around the house . She cleaned my house ,mopped the floors , made my bed , cooked meals and dealt with my homework . whenever I asked her, she did everything that she could so well . She never complained about her physical problems and did not need days off . I was very glad that she serviced me all the time in a day . Suddenly, my dear Pink disappeared . As I was crying , I found a message with the following words : My dear friend, I am not a real girl . I was treated as if I have no fellings , but in fact I wish to be free and play like a real girl , but in your house ,I might feel I was regarded as a maid and not give any consideration like human being . I feel I was hurt…… Goodbye , my little master . Oh , I'm very sorry for what I did before . Pink , you are right . I should have treated you as my real friend . Please remember that robot is a member of human beings as well .


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