
八年级上册英语作文 80词左右急啊

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[仿写六年级语文上册唯一的听众 300字]通过读《唯一的听众》,我感受到了一种鼓励的力量是多么的强大,同时也感受到了一位老人美好的心灵。 这篇文章讲了妹妹觉得“我”拉小提琴夜曲就像在据床腿,他很沮丧,后来去森林...+阅读

i like DIY,i often do something in my spare time .But sometimes i have to read instructure carefully .last weekends,i thank my room is not good ,i decided to put the wall become yellow,but my mom asked me stopping but i did not obey my mother `s command i did not stop until the wall became yellow i think DIY is very interesting and i am very like it,i think DIY is a good o relax ,because it can make your heart happy


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