

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中考冲刺100天怎样做作文600字]希望,由我们来实现;奇迹,由我们来创造! 寒冬过去,春意浓浓,万物复发,我们又迎来了新的学期。 随着年龄的增长,时间的推移,把我们推到了九年级的关键时刻,初中时代是人生旅途中的一个转...+阅读

My Day

I often get up at 6:30 , First I have my breakfast at 7:00 o'clock .

Then I go to school by bus .School starts at 8:10 .My fast class is English .I always have lunch at school .My first claas is P.E.in the afternoon.After school I play basketball.I go home at 5:00.

The early bird catches the worm .

Yesterday, I had a really good day!

In the morning, I was busy doing my homework.This done, I went to help mom with housework.I was greatly happy seeing mother's smile. In the afternoon, I went to school to attend a conforence discussing who will be the new monitor of our class. I hoped to be chosen, but Tom is the more suitable one, so at last we chose Tom to be the leader.

After the conforence, our class went to play basketball.How happy we are!

But the more cheerful thing was that all that I had done during the day made sense.I grew up a lot. It was really an unforgettable day!

《提示:可自加First,首先 Next,接下来 Then,然后 Finally,最后However ,可是 觉得可以的地方,就可以加,我感觉加上去的语法,不会有严重的错误,以上两个例文,仅供参仿,误“临摹”!O(∩_∩)O~~


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