

01月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以付出多少努力就有多少收获为题目写一篇800字的作文]“有一分汗水,就有一分收获”这是对标题最好的诠释。 记得一次回家我乘地铁,乘手扶电梯上去的时候,我突然转念一想:跑上去!才跑到一半,就已累得气喘吁吁,之后我顾不得,冲了上去。踏...+阅读

I am a person who loves to paint, is to learn to paint just reminds me of the time will not help but burst out laughing. I remember that year, I was a third-year day in the afternoon, I played in the cultural centers across for a while, then her mother came to pick me up to go home, as we go, to see a mother with a child's eyes and carrying a high-profile The Hua Jia, to cultural centers, the mother will be holding my hand went, eyes followed that with the kids, when we on the stairs, walked into the door when we found that to a classroom, which Block will be packed with people, they Hua Jia are holding, painted seriously, in front of men, drawing on the blackboard, he probably is a teacher, and I had to find a place to sit, then her mother took a book to me, I will follow Art teacher, and then to the teacher, although the picture is not how good, but the teacher said: "The draw was good!" The teacher asked my mother: "I have not studied painting," "No," said her mother. Later, I realized the mother and the teacher, he Jiaochen public power, Chen let me in the small picture for several days, and then let me shift to the school, I have been on the shift has been an effort to keep ... ... I love to draw, as Einstein said: love is the best teacher, it is far more than a sense of responsibility!


付出重会有收获作文付出才有回报 这件事发生在昨天的语文课上。虽然这是一件小事,但这件事给了我一个深刻的 教训。 事情是这样的:前天,茅老师给我们布置了一个作业,那就是认真预习习作训练,下一节...

有付出就会有收获的作文回答得好给高分等待美 你可曾在山花烂漫的旷野里等待过一只飞舞经过的蝴蝶?你可曾在繁星点点的天空下等待过一颗偶然划过的流星?你可曾在枝叶繁茂的白杨下等待过一阵清风带起满树绿叶沙沙作...

作文网初中600字题目借口E度网专稿 未经允许不得转载 童年,像一杯淡淡的清茶,微微品尝,细细捉摸……童年,这个字眼已经有点陌生了,它已经离我远去了;在我的记忆里,童年就是土坑里的那几个五彩玻璃球,那几张...

关于合作的作文!快快快今天之内 400就好!品尝合作的快乐来源:E度作文网原创 文章作者:陆稚元 212-07 13:27:05 [标签:合作 快乐 叙事作文]小学精华资讯 免费订阅E度网专稿 未经允许不得转载 一股花香扑鼻而来,我一低头...

写关于学绘画的作文绘画人生 我的家乡聪明的孩子乐观的哥哥假如我生活在唐朝改写《春夜喜雨》鲸的自述烈士墓前种大蒜打架事件 我挑检了一支画笔,在一张洁白的纸上,我画下了人生的第一笔,那是一棵...

有关绘画艺术作文我的绘画之路 写学过的某一种艺术,如:吹,拉学,弹,唱,书法,绘画,泥塑,雕刻。。。写在学习某种艺术过程中发生的故事和感受。 也可以写一写喜欢的一件艺术品或一次艺术欣赏活动,如:听音乐...


作文我学绘画 400字左右记得五岁半的时候,我就被妈妈拉去美术蔡老师那里学画画。那时,我不知道什么叫画画,只会拿起彩笔在纸上刷刷地乱涂,让妈妈和老师哭笑不得。 老师看了我的一举一动后,决定就从乱涂...

我学绘画的作文我的绘画之路 在我的生命之路上,穿插着一条蜿蜒的小路,那是我的绘画之路。这条路是从我还在幼儿园时开始的,那时,我大概只有六、七岁。由于当时我年龄小,所以,我只能从儿童画开始...
