

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语作文便条大家快帮帮忙啊!]Dear Li Lei, I'm sorry I have to trouble you. The vacation is coming. I'm going to go sightseeing to Hong Kong with my parents. But I worry about my little dog....+阅读

My new years resolution is very very brife. New Year's Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Most people spend the New Year'sDay in hotels.January 1st is considered as the New Year's Day.most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time. People prepare for New Year's Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January. The New Year's meal is also prepared from the end of December.During the New Year's Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Year's Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.On New Year's Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives....


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