[改写乌鸦喝水 400字]找了半天终于找到了,望采纳.... 学们可能都知道《乌鸦喝水》这个寓言故事,它主要讲了一只乌鸦在郊外口渴了,看见一个盛了很少水的罐子,它的嘴伸不进罐子,也喝不到水,就想了一个好...+阅读
A group of young people had a discussion about how important eating healthy food was recently。They have different viewpoints。 Peter only eats food that tastes good。But he thinks food that tastes good is also bad for our health。He gives an example that cola tastes better than water but is not as good as it He also loves meat and he doesn`t thinks that meat is dangerous。 Tony believes food that is bad for you can taste good。And he prefers not to eat too much food that is fried。
He gives us the example of French fries。He thinks that eating fruit and vegetables is good。But eating some meats and fish is also necesary。He also says that a balanced di... And she never eats sugar,Laura tells them that a research shows some types of oil are really bad for us。But he thinks food that tastes good is also bad for our health。我帮你重新整理。She eats mainly fruit and vegetables to keep healthy。And he prefers not to eat too much food that is fried。
He gives an example that cola tastes better than water but is not as good as it He also loves meat and he doesn`t thinks that meat is dangerous。She likes healthy food。He thinks that eating fruit and vegetables is good。 Tony believes food that is bad for you can taste good,编辑A group of young people had a discussion about how important eating healthy food was recently。So she doesn`t eat anything cooked in oil,现在才a看到你的问题。
She says food like burnt barbecued meat might increase the risk of cancer。 Peter only eats food that tastes good,变得更加通顺。He gives us the example of French fries。) 2011-10-27 4。Tony says people all agree that fruit and vegetables are good for health。 In addtition。But eating some meats and fish is also necesary。He tells them that the main thing is to have a good balance。But he says that fast food is not always bad for us if we don`t eat too much of it,有条理了f。
He also says that a balanced diet is better than buiskets and hamburgers。 (很抱歉。 Laura says that she never eats fast food。They have different viewpoints:36 展开
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