
summary范文200字care of the elderly a family matter

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

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Care for the elderly

As is vividly revealed in the picture above, an old couple sits at the table lonely and waits for their children and grandchildren to come back for dinner together, with plenty of delicious meals on the table. However, their children and grandchildren give them expensive presents instead of eating with them together. Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration that we should spare some time to accompany and care for the elderly.

Nowadays, it's a common phenomenon in our daily life that people hardly care for their parents. Because they are so busy with work that they can't take enough time to accompany their parents and their parents feel very lonely. As this phenomenon, I think it's high time that we do something about caring for the elderly. Therefore, my suggestions are as follows.

First of all, I think every young people should take responsibility to take care of their old parents. Secondly, I strongly recommend that the government should take effective measures to make people to have enough time to accompany and care for their old parents. What's more, I think that the whole society should be in favor of elders' activities to make the elderly can take part in some activities to reduce their loneliness. Last but not least, I think that people can let their parents to live with them and treat them patiently. To sum up, I think we should call on people to care for the elderly as much as possible.


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