

01月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


just entered college in September,

college life is brand new concept for me. As a freshman of the school, I

would dream my college life as following. First, I believe I will work

hard to achieve my academic goal. I want to major in accounting

because I believe accounting is the language of business. Accounting is

a very important concept for each businessman. As the result, I

believe a career in accounting will provide me a higher living standard

and better life in my future. However,college life should be fun and

unforgettable in additional to study. I believe joining clubs and

participate in different activities will be good for me. First of all, I

can expand my network through the activities and the clubs I

participate. I can make friends over there. Second, I wish I can hold

some positions in some clubs that related to my accounting major. The

reasons for that are following: (1) meet more people who have the same

interest as me, listen to their advice will be good for my academic

development. (2) we can exchange information about the major, so we can

improve ourselves. (3) holding a position means taking responsibility.

It is very important on the resume because the employers will take

consideration on this part.

I believe great college life means outstanding academic performance and joyful extra curriculum activities!





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