
托福英语作文题 future career急求文章100至150

01月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[最长的英语骂人作文]I believe that,in this world,in addition to the dead,the baby and the dumb mouth can't do,not open his mouthSmart people,also called not is not scold,the more n...+阅读

Future careers for each one of us vary greatly. Some people may be ambitious and aim to be a company director, some may just want a comfortable life. Some people may follow the road laid by their hobbies, others, venture into the unknown. First career for many people may not even be a career but a job. Like working in a shop to get CV experience or in desperate need of money, not many people get the career choice they'd dreamed about or would have liked, instead, they receive the careers they, maybe not despise, dislike and unfortunately, with the way the world works, this misfortune stays for most. I wish that my career comes as a given and not only following my hobbies and qualifications, also it is something that grants me the comforts that life can best offer.


求篇英语骂人作文带中文解释I believe that, in this world, in addition to the dead, the baby and the dumb mouth can't do, not open his mouth Smart people, also called not is not scold, the...

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