
初一下册英语名师学案 unit1作文

01月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求英语作文求职信]Dear sirs, My name is Wang Ling.I have got your message from CHINA DAILY on the day Dec. 10th,2010.I'm graduated from East College.And now,I have got a lot of s...+阅读

Today, like every other day, I had to go through my boring Spanish class in my 1st period. It will be just one more day before the break, so Sr.Cano gave us a pile of homeworks and projects. Then my in second period, English class, I will force to read about the Heart of Darkness. I felt so ironic because AP English class got to read comic book while we, the regular class, have to read novel. During my 3rd period Trig. class, Mr. Ehlrich gave me back my quiz that I took two days ago. I was relieved for I got a 88. Right after my 3rd period class, however, my worst class came, gym. I hate gym more than any other classes for I have to wear cotton pant every single times. Whenever I am in gym, I begged the time to pass fast. 5th period is the same as normal. Physics is always understandable but not my best subject. Perhaps, my favorite period is lunch because I am like a hungry horse by the time it is 6th period. Me and Maryanne were lucky today since we got to skip the line and get our lunch as soon as we get to the cafeteria. Today's lunch was sweet pork with salad dressing. It tasted so long. Lunch swept away all my tiredness in the morning but when I get to my 7th period, AP US, I was surprised that we are given a test. I did not know that. It was unexpected although my friends told me everyone knew there was this test except me. Anyway, I spend my last couple periods in my AP Biology class sleeping. I feel so regret that I sleep in Ms. Tag's class but I felt I am so exclude from her class. Everyone, not just today, I sat in the back of the classroom and no one since to notice my presence. Even though i tired to kept myself awake, I felt dead tired today and have no choice but to close my eyes and half-sleep for double periods tills the school bell rang.


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英语四级作文怎么评分简单来说,是以下几条: 14分 文章切题。文字通顺,条理清楚,无重大语言错误,仅有个别小错。 11分 文章切题。文字通顺,条理清楚,但有少量语言错误。 8分 基本切题。有些地方表达不清,...

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英语四级评分标准一:作文(15%) 二:听力理解(35%) 听力对话15%, 听力短文20% 三:阅读理解(35%) 快速阅读部分10% 仔细阅读部分25% 四:完型填空或改错(10%) 五:翻译部分分值比例为(5%) 具体的如下 作文15%(有14...

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