

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[新年英语作文带中文翻译]The Lunar New Year The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people. It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work...+阅读

1. I had an English test this week, unfortunately I didn't pass it. I am so repentant and regretfu about that. The reason why I didn't do the test well was that I did not try my best to memorize the vocabularies and the text. So, from now on, I am going to forget everything elas except English; I will work on the English grammar, words and listening the Englsih tapes as many time as I can. Anyway, I'd like to use 100 percents of my passion to study English in order to pass the next test. (中文大意: 我本周有个英语测试, 可惜我没及格。

我对此事相当后悔。我没及格是因为我没好好背单词和课文。从今往后,我会好好学习英语语法和单词,把英语磁带听到烂为止。 总的来说就是我会用我百分之百的激情来学习英语,为了就是下次能考及格) 2.English is not as hard as you think, though I didn't pass the one that I had this week due to a lack of concentration. But that's not a big deal for me; I believe that nothing is impossible, if I try my best to focus on one thing, then I am closer to the success. I will never forget this failure, because I'll help me to work harder. By the next test, I will prove myslef that I gonna pass it. Turst me, though I am not a good speaker as Barack obama, but I will show my ablities to all of you.。

(中文大意:英语没有你想的那么难,虽然我本周的英语测试因为我的不用功而没及格。但是那没有什么大不了的, 我坚信;没有不可能,如果我试着非常专注一样东西,那么我会离成功更近一步。 我永远都不会忘记这次的失败,因为 它让我更有干劲。 在下一次的考试中, 我会正明自己。 相信我, 虽然我不像巴拉克·奥巴马那样能说会道, 但是我会 用我的实力证明给你们看。


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