

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[介绍晋祠导游词20字]写作思路:主要介绍晋祠。 晋祠,位于山西省太原市晋源区晋祠镇,原名为晋王祠,初名唐叔虞祠,是为纪念晋国开国诸侯唐叔虞(后被追封为晋王)及母后邑姜后而建。 其中难老泉、侍女像、圣...+阅读

Baiyangdian Lake is located in Hebei Province, China. It is the largest natural lake in northern China and thus referred to as the "Kidney of North China".In terms of environment, the lake is home to about 50 varieties of fish and multiple varieties of wild geese, ducks and other birds. The lake and side parks also are home to a vast number of lotus, ti plants, and other precious plants. From harvesting the fauna and flora of the lake, the locals make a living.While appearing pristine in parts, Baiyangdian Lake is under assault from a variety of sources, most notably industrial waste emptied upstream, the holding back of replenishing waters into reservoirs by upstream communities, and local fish farming. The cleanup of Baiyangdian Lake has become a test for the Chinese government's vocal commitment to environmental causes, but Chinese environmentalists have painted this agenda as little more than empty promises, often pointing to the lake as evidence.Baiyangdian Lake is a national and international tourist attraction flaunting its peaceful water scenes and vast lotus gardens. Hand-driven and motorized boats are available for small to medium sized groups, and large motorized boats are available for larger groups usually accompanied by a tour guide. It is classified as a AAAAA scenic area by the China National Tourism Administration. Islands on the lake host local restaurants that cook with local ingredients and hotels for the overnight tourist.


四年级导游词怎么写300字长城各位游客你们好!欢迎来到万里长城游玩,我是你们的导游柯昊,大家可以叫我小柯。 万里长城位于北京西面,它东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,全长的一万三千多里,号称‘万里长城’,它不仅是我国...

长城导游词作文300字[长城导游词作文300字] 各位朋友,大家好,欢迎大家到阳光导游团,我叫孙诗文,今天我来当大家的导游吧! 我们先去长城看看,向前看长城,像一条长龙在八达岭上蜿蜒盘旋,看这个城台,是屯兵...


丝绸之路导游词丝绸之路导游词 各位旅客: 大家好,我叫XXX,是你们的导游,今天我们要去丝绸之路旅游,请看管好自己孩子,不要让孩子走散了。 丝绸之路通常是指欧亚北部的商路,与南方的茶马古道形成对...

求幽默风趣的导游词介绍各位游客大家好! 在座的各位团友小鬼们大家好,非常欢迎大家能够参加我们判官旅行社组织的这次阎王大殿五日游活动,我叫死神!是咱们本次地狱活动的全程陪同导游,大家可以叫我死导,...


写乌塔想到游家乡风景的导游词作文300子《乌塔》这篇文章主要写了一个小女孩独自游欧洲的故事。 读了这篇文章,使我深有感触,使我学到了许多做人的道理。我非常佩服乌塔,她真了不起,才十四岁就独自一人去游欧洲,为了这...


关于旅游的导游词作文怎么写一.导游词的结构: 导游词由标题、前言、旅游景点概述、结尾四部分组成。 (一)标题(如:颐和园导游词) (二)前言 前言部分一般写导游人员在陪同旅游者参观、游览前表示问候、欢迎,自我...
