

01月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我一直都不是很明白为什么雅思的口语和作文是可以预测的一般是]雅思口语分3大部分,写作分2大部分。这是固定的程序。 口语第一部分是简单的个人相关的信息,比如姓名,爱好,家庭等等,考官问考生一一回答。 第二部分,考官会给你一个卡片,上面写着一...+阅读


1、 开篇:明确指出文章的写作目的a) 随着时间,变化b) 大小的比较

2、 结尾:结合写作目的,明确的给出图表中最为重要的信息a) 看变化:哪些对象上升,哪些对象下降,哪些不变b) 看比较:哪个对象是“最好王者”

3、 细节分类讨论,给出一些支持结论的证据或过程分段模式:2+X (2代表开篇和结尾;X代表分类的结果和图形的数量)开篇:1) 重点要突出“写作目的”change or compare “C&C”2) 名词照抄,动词和抽象名词替换,时间和地点不变,但要突出“指代”下面是一篇以描述比较为主的文章范例:选材e.g. Cambridge 8 – Test 1The chart compares the proportions of overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation and others. The table compares the percentages of overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation in North America, Europe and Oceania during 1990 – 2000. 文章的开篇与提示句不同之处在于:你是在看过图表后产生的具体的描述。结尾:Overall, it is clear that overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation are main causes of global land degradation, and that the primary causes of land degradation in the three areas were different : North America (Over-cultivation), Europe (Deforestation), and Oceania (Overgrazing), and Europe had the most seriously affected land of the three countries.中间段:- 分段,每段的主题句如何支持最后的结论 X= 2第一段:第一句:最大值, while第二句:接近的值归类. However, 其余的不重要的值The most primary cause of land degradation in the world is over-grazing, accounting for 35%, while other two main causes are over-cultivation and deforestation, occupying 28% and 30% respectively. The reminder only takes up 7%.23% of land in Europe was degraded, which was the most serious, and 9.8% of land degradation was caused by deforestation, as well as 7.7% (over-cultivation) and 5.5% (overgrazing). 13% of land in Oceania was spoiled, and 11.3% of land spoiled was because of over-grazing, while 5% of land was degraded in North America, and 3.3% of the land degradation was subject to over-cultivation.A complete compositionThe chart compares the proportions of overgrazing, over-cultivation, deforestation and others. The table compares the percentages of overgrazing, over-cultivation and deforestation in North America, Europe and Oceania during 1990 – 2000. 文章的开篇与提示句不同之处在于:你是在看过图表后产生的具体的描述。The most primary cause of land degradation in the world is over-grazing, accounting for 35%, while other two main causes are over-cultivation and deforestation, occupying 28% and 30% respectively. The reminder only takes up 7%.


雅思作文中常用的逻辑词汇有哪些1. Although(更书面)= though(更口语) =even if (即使,更偏假设性)=even though(虽然,更偏事实性)+句子 注:不能与but连用。 Devoted though we are to prosperity and freedom, we can...


11 29号的雅思作文会考什么一级预测(Highly Possible): 政府决策类 入选理由: 作为两大主流话题之一,上一次被考到还是在8月16日!从29号这次考试到12月的考试,政府类话题有望引来强势回归! 推荐练习真题: The s...


急! 2010年3月6号雅思写作预测您好 我是世纪雅思的老师 很高兴能帮助你 2010年3月6号雅思写作预测 A类小作文:数据题可能性80%,类型可能是table或line,20%为流程图(适当关注,3月有可能出现流程图,几率不会太大...

还有一个月考雅思关于雅思写作分享下我的经验吧,考雅思前我就复习了三天,但可能平时写报告上课都是全英语的所以这次考的还不错,作文7 口语7 总分7,并且这次我就写一边倒的 雅思作文考的是一种逻辑和语言能力...


雅思小作文预测题图题怎么写流程图1.首段常用句子The following diagraph shows the structure of……The picture illustrates……The whole procedure can be divided into…stages.It mainly consis...

